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Funny in a scary way
RazMan - 29/5/07 at 10:43 PM

A friend of my mother was driving her to the hospital to visit my Dad yesterday. They are both pushing 80 so you can imagine the dialog, but my mother recalled that after her friend had mounted the curb 'a few times' and nearly run down someone on a Zebra crossing, she was hooted 'several times'. After a few more hoots from irritated drivers she was quoted to say "I don't know why they are hooting me - isn't it obvious that I am trying to make up my mind!"

Scary ......

btw swmbo has instructed me to say that this is NOT a reflection on the driving abilities of all Womankind!!

grahamgg - 29/5/07 at 10:52 PM

I think you should give up your license at that age,My father is 70 and I woudn't get in the car if he was driving just tooo scary

arrybradbury - 29/5/07 at 10:52 PM

Lol - certainly brings up the whole retaking a driving test past a certain age debate.....

Paradoxia0 - 29/5/07 at 11:18 PM

My great aunt still drives and she is 86...

She doesn't even know what a mini-roundabout is and thinks that 40 is too fast for main road. I have only been in the car with her once and it aged me 20 years!

Compulsary theory re-test at 70 should take most people off the road above that age to be fair...


SeaBass - 30/5/07 at 07:27 AM

I would say that as usual people are interested in blanket legislation that will infuriate many.

My grandfather has just got his new car a rover 216 with the lovely K series. He thinks its great having scrapped his old model 213. I went out with him for blast and his driving is still very, very good. He was 92 last month... Enough said.

[Edited on 30/5/07 by SeaBass]

Bluemoon - 30/5/07 at 07:39 AM

I would have to agree with seabass.. Some older drivers are very much on the ball, but others are not, a blanket rule would not be a good idea.

As to a retest, I think a larger number of people on the road of any age would fail. Also from what I recall a doctor is supposed to decided if you are fit to drive after a cirtan age?


[Edited on 30/5/07 by Bluemoon]

Ivan - 30/5/07 at 07:43 AM


My wife's late Grandfather rolled his almost new Rover 3500 SDS many years ago when he was about 86 chasing springbok through the Kalahari desert plains.

worX - 30/5/07 at 07:53 AM

DaveFJ - 30/5/07 at 08:04 AM

And going the other way - my parents are in their early sixties and a danger on the road......

Chippy - 30/5/07 at 11:02 AM

I am 68, and a confirmed petrol head, have been since sixteen. I drive as a volanteer ambulance driver, and will in two years need to have a medical to continue to do so, quite happy with that, as I am sure that I will pass. To say that at a certain age you are incapable of driving is absolute b****k's, I have seen some young, 20 to 30, people that shoudn't be allowed on the road, being a danger to themselves, and more important, everyone else. I have had two accidents in my driving career, and both of those were when in my 20's, (big headed know it all then), Hmmm! so whats changed?? Seriously, people should be able to pass a test when older, but it would seem that it's just not strict enough. OK rant over. ATB, Ray.

Paradoxia0 - 30/5/07 at 11:44 AM

I totally agree. There are plenty of over 70s that are better drivers than the over confident youngsters. Infact, make that the overconfident any ages!

My concern/comments were pointing towards a way of getting my dangerous Aunt off the road before she has an accident (which I am sure is the same concern as the other people commenting here).

No offence was meant to any of the more senior drivers out there, sorry if you saw it that way Chappy.


Chippy - 30/5/07 at 04:06 PM

Mark, I actualy agree with you, I live in an area where a huge percent of the population is getting on, (Oh! OK then f*****g old). My point was that you can't apply the same to all people over a certain age, although some of the old codgers down here should be of the road, some are very good drivers. Oh! and by the way its CHIPPY, not Chappy. Ray

DIY Si - 30/5/07 at 04:30 PM

My mum's a bit like that. She's blooming scary to be in the car with. So much so, that I have managed to avoid it for over 3 years now! She's 44 and a bit iffy. Equally, a mate of mine drives like he owns the raod and it's a race track, so he's just as scary but in a more life threatening way! He says he's just having fun. I say he's going to have a major off......

zetec7 - 30/5/07 at 04:35 PM

When I die, I want to go peacefully, in my sleep...not screaming in terror, like the passengers in my grandfather's car...

millenniumtree - 30/5/07 at 06:00 PM

I'm 27 and rather ashamed of the fact that I drive more recklessly when another guy is in the car, or when I'm alone.

I can't blame the passengers, but there's definitely something to showing off to the guys. I wonder if women do that too? Probably not as much.

Granted, I don't think I ever do outright stupid things - like weaving in and out of traffic and the like. An extra blip on the throttle now and then when the guys are about though.

steve m - 30/5/07 at 09:44 PM

"I think you should give up your license at that age,My father is 70 and I woudn't get in the car if he was driving just tooo scary"

HAHA made me laugh!

My Father is 74, and only drives automatics, He also only knows two peddle manouvers
Full pedal to the floor, and and off peddle!

He should have been a F! driver !

He (honestly !!!) has never never opened the bonnet on his car, has never changed a bulb, and probably doesnt even know were the spare wheel is!!

And I do mean honestly, He (sir) is as mechanicly adept as Jesus christ

And !

The last time he drove a manuel gearboxed car (about 12-15 years ago) he managed from a standing start on the driveway (he was pissed) to right off my Mothers Metro, a garage door, and his Rover Vitesse V8 SD1, and all in the space of 20 feet

My Mother, is an extremley good driver, and Dad isnt allowed within 50 feet of the drivers seat!