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Used car tax
ady8077 - 7/9/07 at 06:35 PM

Hi all

I'm thinking of buying a newer tin top, probably a 51/02 plate. Are there any websites that show the tax bands of each car? I can only find lists of new cars

Thanks Adrian

Peter M - 7/9/07 at 06:38 PM


ady8077 - 7/9/07 at 07:00 PM


Thanks for link, but i'm after the tax band of the car, eg what band is a 1.6 focus?


iank - 7/9/07 at 07:13 PM

CO2 emissions are printed on the V5C
Then look it up on the V149 here ->

Edit: But you won't have one of those yet
I did a search on google for "ford focus 1.6 CO2 and got back this site which has the CO2 figure you need.

[Edited on 7/9/07 by iank]

gr8ging - 8/9/07 at 08:25 AM

If you know the reg this link to the dvla will tell you:;JSESSIONID_EvlPortalApp=GvbWvSS2FthhVhgxQ8VhFC2JWmFlnVffDwPNSb52nnLYQznnKpqW!1729033073!-203 3523362?origin=vnav_bar.jsp&event=bea.portal.framework.internal.refresh&pageid=Vehicle+Enquiry

sorry its a bit long!

gr8ging - 8/9/07 at 08:27 AM

sorry, just tried link and it takes you to the home page if you click it. you then need to click Vehicle Inquiry and your away.

ady8077 - 8/9/07 at 09:33 AM
