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Colin McCrae Helicopter Crashed?
Mr G - 15/9/07 at 06:41 PM

Reports coming in that a 2 seater helicopter that's registered to Colin McRae has crashed in scotland.

Fingers crossed but I think it does'nt look good

speedyxjs - 15/9/07 at 06:44 PM

I hope he's ok
Keep us posted

blakep82 - 15/9/07 at 06:52 PM

no mention on bbc website or teletext

Mr G - 15/9/07 at 06:52 PM


It's breaking news on skynews at the mo.

[Edited on 15/9/07 by Mr G]

blakep82 - 15/9/07 at 06:54 PM

i was looking under rallying...

Mr G - 15/9/07 at 07:10 PM

From another forum :

reports that him a co-pilot and two children on board. Not confirmed just someone who said his friend works in emergency services call centre. Although he did mention Mcrae before any news outlets did so not looking too good

I really do hope that is'nt the case.

billy - 15/9/07 at 07:16 PM

oh dear

john_p_b - 15/9/07 at 07:24 PM

really not looking good at all.

Howlor - 15/9/07 at 07:30 PM

On Sky it says 2 adults and 2 children on board. Sad news who ever it is.


madrallysport - 15/9/07 at 07:35 PM

This is shocking news. It is a sad day when you realise that your heroes are only mere mortals after all.

There is nothing confirmed so far but its not looking good. The crash happened on his own land in lanark according to sky news.

Sad sad day thanks for the memories (rothmas legacy in 4 wheels slides all those years ago on the ulster, pure magic, never to be seen again)

[Edited on 15/9/07 by madrallysport]

[Edited on 15/9/07 by madrallysport]

ChrisGamlin - 15/9/07 at 07:43 PM

Originally posted by madrallysport
Sad sad day thanks for the memories (rothmas legacy in 4 wheels slides all those years ago on the ulster, pure magic never to be seen again)

Doesn't sound good I agree but as you said, nothing has been confirmed yet so its a bit premature writing his obituary don't you think?

locogeoff - 15/9/07 at 08:21 PM

"The Scotsman" is saying that friends and relatives are gathering closeby which looks pretty negative to me.

If true thats Hislop and McRae both gone due to helicopters

I love speed :-P - 15/9/07 at 09:12 PM

iank - 15/9/07 at 09:17 PM


hobbsy - 15/9/07 at 09:24 PM

Just read that his son as well...

craig1410 - 15/9/07 at 09:30 PM

That is heart-breaking news! I can hardly take it in...

I hope it wasn't his son who was on board because as a father myself I can't imagine a worse way to go than alongside one of my kids.

A sad sad day indeed.

jacko - 15/9/07 at 09:32 PM

omega 24 v6 - 15/9/07 at 09:33 PM

Im gutted

eccsmk - 15/9/07 at 09:36 PM

skydivepaul - 15/9/07 at 09:44 PM


Mansfield - 15/9/07 at 11:24 PM

Terrible news.

Hellfire - 15/9/07 at 11:29 PM

Sad day.....


grub - 15/9/07 at 11:51 PM

Originally posted by craig1410
That is heart-breaking news! I can hardly take it in...

I hope it wasn't his son who was on board because as a father myself I can't imagine a worse way to go than alongside one of my kids. yes i think it was his son and also his friends son

A sad sad day indeed.

mookaloid - 16/9/07 at 04:44 AM

oadamo - 16/9/07 at 06:46 AM

COLIN McRAE video tribute

speedyxjs - 16/9/07 at 08:11 AM

DIY Si - 16/9/07 at 11:14 AM

ar$e isn't even close....

Bart Vangampelaere - 16/9/07 at 05:16 PM

It's the most shocking of getting older: one by one your heroes die.
Bad enough two adults died in that crash, but two young chidren aswell...

richard thomas - 16/9/07 at 05:25 PM


Metal Hippy - 16/9/07 at 06:54 PM

I'm sorry, but..

NS Dev - 17/9/07 at 06:49 PM

saw the news this morning, don't know what to say..................

My two fave drivers of all time, Colin McRae and Ayrton Senna, now both RIP.

My heartfelt sympathies to Colin's family.

On a lighter note, which may sound inappropriate, but lets hope they have cars in heaven, I'm sure Col and Senna could have some fierce races!!

I met colin in Monte Carlo on the 2003 monte rally, he really was a great bloke, what you saw was what you got, the best.

JoelP - 18/9/07 at 03:03 AM

gutted, proper shite news. RIP

pif - 18/9/07 at 06:40 PM

it is with a heavy heart and the deepest sadness i mourn the death of the man i called king for 15 years. marred by trajedy of your son who will now be by your side for ever. you will be missed more than you will ever know. maybe not a drivers driver but more than any other, a fans driver. had the good fortune to meet you and nicky grist a few years ago, unforgettable. i will never forget the donuts after the win at chester race course, once in a lifetime experience. all those chants of co-lin co-lin in the frozen forests of wales, england, scotland and too many to mention european places seem all the more worth it now. i will always be priveledged too say i was there and i saw, the legend that was COLIN MCRAE.

goto colin there is a book of condolence.

Peteff - 18/9/07 at 07:01 PM

I don't think I ever saw him without a smile on his face or a glint in his eye, he was a great sportsman and it's a sad loss of him and his friend and sons.