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Moving on travelers
ady8077 - 28/11/07 at 10:01 PM

Hi all

Came home tonight to find 10 caravans parked on the old athletic track car park near me

How long does it take for the council to move them on?


speedyxjs - 28/11/07 at 10:03 PM

Too long

SeaBass - 28/11/07 at 10:13 PM

Normally they move on once all the decent looking houses in the area have had a good doing over... I wouldn't worry about it!

Humbug - 28/11/07 at 10:15 PM

about 10 years... after they've illegally piped electricity, water etc. there, concreted over the land, etc.

dave1888 - 28/11/07 at 10:17 PM

It depends on how much rotting manure you can get from the local farms.

mistergrumpy - 28/11/07 at 10:42 PM

As said, they tend to illegally abstract electricity via lamposts or whatever so have you tried informing the owners. I think its Amec that own lamposts or at least it is around here. They should then come and shut the lampost down and voila, people without leccy don't hang around.

ady8077 - 28/11/07 at 10:46 PM

I'm hopfull they'll do something quick as they use the car park every weekend for the footy and charge each car £5


Paul TigerB6 - 29/11/07 at 01:12 AM

Originally posted by ady8077
Hi all

Came home tonight to find 10 caravans parked on the old athletic track car park near me

How long does it take for the council to move them on?


Far too long. Much better bet is 10L petrol and a large box of matches!!!!!

[Edited on 29/11/07 by Paul TigerB6]

theconrodkid - 29/11/07 at 05:59 AM

best way is a few petrol bombs,all their cash is kept in the caravans and they really do fear fire

02GF74 - 29/11/07 at 07:47 AM

Originally posted by ady8077
I'm hopfull they'll do something quick as they use the car park every weekend for the footy and charge each car £5


Don't worry, they will do something quick like smash the car windows and help themselves to anything left inside.

The best approach is to identify the head gypo, knock gently on his/her caravan door as ask them politely to move along, never fails.

DarrenW - 29/11/07 at 09:57 AM

If that happened near me id be off work boarding the garage up at the mo and taking photo's of everything i own.

Im sure the head man will be a great bloke if you knock on his door with a 4 pack in hand and ask for a quiet chat about what time he is leaving in the morning What a great and thoroughly civilsed idea. Alternatively you could suggest you have a bare knuckle fight and if you win they move on.........

thunderace - 29/11/07 at 10:23 AM

crime stoppers !!!
whos seen guns on a site??
o0o0o phoned from a phone box near you .
they even may fine other stolen stuff.
(helecopers armed police 3am raid evry caravan serched ,funny evry one moved on that morning)

works in glasgow

Pants On Fire - 29/11/07 at 10:33 AM

We had a shed load of pikies move onto the car park of a private health club a couple of years ago.
Within hours the owner had a court order and they were off about 6 hours later. What they left behind was looked like the road to Basra after the first Gulf war.

I rather suspect that a local authority will move a whole lot slower than a private land owner!

pewe - 29/11/07 at 12:52 PM

They occupied a dead-end part of Theale High St next to the M4 recently. Departure was delayed by them claiming their kids' education would be interrupted if they were moved on.
Also had a profitable little number charging pedestrians from Theale to cross the M4 footbridge to go to the local shopping centre.
Eventually moved on - to the other side of the M4 - presumably now charging pedestrians to come back from the shops!
Cheers, Pewe

Alex B - 29/11/07 at 05:31 PM

Aw guys they are only doing this because "society" cannot find them somewhere to live


Peteff - 29/11/07 at 07:26 PM

Last year the police raided an illegal camp in Chesterfield that was holding up some building work. They impounded 4 stolen caravans, 3 Nissan Navaras and some pedigree dogs that were also stolen. The vans that were left had gone next morning.

NS Dev - 30/11/07 at 03:00 PM

That's just the thing, they are NOT just victims of "society", they are thieving SCUM!!!!

We have a vast number of them round here, including one enterprising lot that have built an entire illegal village. Just do a google on "Costalot Stables" and you'll see what I mean, this was built on stolen land with no planning permission.

I have NO problem at all with romanies. They manage to roam the land, possibly quite often technically illegally, but without stealing everybody's possessions, and without trashing everywhere they stay.

Guinness - 30/11/07 at 03:08 PM

Just had a quick look on Google for Costalot Stables.

There seems to be a large number of building firms, roofers, drive tarmacing and 2nd hand caravan businesses located there.


ady8077 - 30/11/07 at 05:13 PM

Thanks for putting my mind at rest guys

The house and car are both alarmed so hopefully they'll pick on someone else???


jono_misfit - 2/12/07 at 06:05 PM

you need a big digger that can "accidentally" go out of control and through the caravans.

The ones that moved in not far from me a few years ago were "assisted" on their way by the local farming community. They drove up on mass with tractors / loaders and, none too gently, helped them get their cars and caravans back onto the road. Havent seen them back.

Dazza - 2/12/07 at 10:29 PM

when i was working security at chessington world of adventures, some years ago...yawn.

we got some. about 15 caravans in a carpark over nite.

so we got the groundskeeper to dog a 6 foot trench round them, so they could not spread, and out a 4x4 with 2 guys in it(me being one of them sometimes) at the entrance,
we only let them out, not in, so after 4 days they got sick of it and Fuc@ed off.

then fitted a better lock and chain and they never came back, bit of hassel, but they didnt need the agro.

then filled in the trench.........

also, for future ref...

They HATE being filmed, so have a few video cameras abiut to, that makes em get lost quicker.

ady8077 - 3/12/07 at 05:17 PM

Its not looking good, 2 of the caravans have got christmas lights all over them tonight


Alex B - 3/12/07 at 06:16 PM

Originally posted by NS Dev
That's just the thing, they are NOT just victims of "society", they are thieving SCUM!!!!

We have a vast number of them round here, including one enterprising lot that have built an entire illegal village. Just do a google on "Costalot Stables" and you'll see what I mean, this was built on stolen land with no planning permission.

I have NO problem at all with romanies. They manage to roam the land, possibly quite often technically illegally, but without stealing everybody's possessions, and without trashing everywhere they stay.

I actually heard one of them say that on tv. I don`t actually have any time at the moment to find them anywhere......well not anywhere in this country


t.j. - 3/12/07 at 07:28 PM

Originally posted by ady8077
Its not looking good, 2 of the caravans have got christmas lights all over them tonight


Maybe it's santa?

westf27 - 3/12/07 at 07:38 PM

Napalm,bit of a waste but effective on aluminium