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Lost keys!
MK Charlie - 8/12/07 at 01:27 AM

I just came home, and got out my tin top and dropped the keys down a drain.I could see them, but was hard to get to as my car was ontop of the drain and had locked and alarmed itself. Had a poke around with a long metal pole with a hook on the end. Now the water is so murky i cant see a thing! I REALLY hope i can see them in the morning. They are my only set. What affect will being soaked in water for 8hrs do to the remote locking/immobiliser code on the key? i'm guessing the remote lockin wont work (may do if i dry the keys out in the oven) but what will i be able to start the car with the key due to the imobiliser?

worX - 8/12/07 at 01:37 AM

Do you have a magnet of ANY kind???

Oh and a flashlight?

[Edited on 8/12/07 by worX]

jolson - 8/12/07 at 08:02 AM

the circuit board in my peugeot keyfob is well lacquered; it looks like it would stand a good soaking. I've dried out more complicated electronics by just shaking the water out, putting it inside a couple socks and sitting it on the radiator for a day or so. I think a dehumidifier is supposed to be the proper way.

bob tatt - 8/12/07 at 08:27 AM

i work on site and regulary soak my keys i all manner of different ways not overnight but when i changed the battery i noticed mine were very well laquared as well so heres hoping

donut - 8/12/07 at 09:29 AM

Don't put them in the oven!!!!! leave the remote fob on a radiator.

Dangle_kt - 8/12/07 at 10:21 AM

you will have stired up all the silt and made the water murky. They won't have gone anywhere unless a rat took a fancy to them overnight. Should be nice and clear by now.

As Worx said, magnet and a pole will work great. Just go steady not to stir up all the silt again.

All the best mate!

James - 8/12/07 at 10:25 AM

Originally posted by donut
Don't put them in the oven!!!!! leave the remote fob on a radiator.

I agree.

Why risk oven temperatures at all?

Even use a hair dryer if necessary. It's what I used to dry my phone when I dropped it in the bath!


RazMan - 8/12/07 at 10:44 AM

The important thing is to rinse them off with clean water BEFORE you dry them out. Impurities in the drain water will otherwise be left behind and corrode the components.
I used to manufacture PCBs and part of the process was to stick them in a dishwasher (with special detergent obviously) to wash off the flux.

Have you got one of those telescopic magnet thingies you see at all the shows? Bet you wish you bought one now don't you?

Mr Clive - 8/12/07 at 10:51 AM

Personally, I would take the battery out the keyfob and soak it (the keyfob) in distilled water for a few hours. That should wash any crap out. Then dry gently on the radiator/in the airing cupboard

tks - 8/12/07 at 10:55 AM

i just wish you luck, saying that those remote things are perfectly made for damp condition. A set of ours has been in the garden on the lawn for 1 day )incl. night= it was very wet, but it still worked...

Danozeman - 8/12/07 at 12:32 PM

AS said dont put them in the oven give them a good rinse with clean water, shake them out and leave them on the radiator wrapped in a cloth over night..

Magnet is your best bet for retreiving them.

MK Charlie - 11/12/07 at 04:45 PM

Just to update, i tried everything possible on the night. Big magnet on string, telescopic magnet, coat hangers, boat hook etc... none worked. The next day i moved my car (set the alarm off) and opened the drain. I had a brainstorm and used a very fine rake (used for grass) to dig out the rubbish from the bottom and eventually my keys. They worked, but thought I best wash them in distilled water overnight. They now work perfectly again, and my car is booked in for a service next week, so will get a spare key cut and coded at the same time! Thanks for all your help. I love this site!


iank - 11/12/07 at 06:24 PM

Make sure you get them to tell you how much the new key will cost beforehand. Frightening how much main stealers charge for them.

tks - 12/12/07 at 12:29 AM

yupsz, also let them, code the computer to accept only the 2 keys you have (to block the other one wich could be alive)


02GF74 - 12/12/07 at 08:10 AM

maybe fitting a fine mesh over the drain cover whose holes are smaller then the keyring would be a good idea too?