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Need a quick bit of help
Rob Lane - 22/1/08 at 01:46 PM

Could someone check this link for me. I may have my IP blocked. I get error page.

Hammerhead - 22/1/08 at 01:46 PM

opens for me

Peter M - 22/1/08 at 01:47 PM

works ok for me

Mr Whippy - 22/1/08 at 01:51 PM

and must have been band

Rob Lane - 22/1/08 at 01:55 PM

Thought so. Don't even notify me!

I challenged the board owner against the Open Software author. Board owner wanted to restrict the software against the software authors GNU open source policy!

Ah well.

02GF74 - 22/1/08 at 02:02 PM

works me too but it is very very uninteresting so you aren't missing much. in fact consider yourself lucky not to be able to see it.

Rob Lane - 22/1/08 at 02:20 PM

Unfortunately need the support. It's an Open Source (i.e. Free) internet shop software.

I am just setting the shop up and help is needed from time to time as it is quite a convoluted piece of software.

Rob Lane - 28/1/08 at 02:45 PM

Quick reply to all.

Turns out I'm not barred. It was my own router.

Somehow it had the website added to the firewall banned list, I reset the router and all's well again. Don't know how it got that way, it has to be logged into to alter anything.