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Internet fraud
joneh - 28/4/08 at 06:50 PM

I have a fraudster trying to buy some CCTV off me. Does anyone have any ideas on what fun I can have with this guy? So far he's been up at 5.30 waiting for his delivery.

He's just "bought" 10 cameras coming to about 2.5K. I'm thinking of telling him I've over charged him and getting him to forward his acount details so I can refund him.

Gimme ideas people.

afj - 28/4/08 at 06:53 PM

get his bank details then ring malc of yorkshire engines and buy me a 5pw R1 motor

JoelP - 28/4/08 at 06:55 PM

its probably a totally naive thing to say but arent the police at all interested in solving internet fraud?!

joneh - 28/4/08 at 06:57 PM

Originally posted by JoelP
its probably a totally naive thing to say but arent the police at all interested in solving internet fraud?!

pfft. Internet fraud is small fry. They have speed cameras to hold!

Dangle_kt - 28/4/08 at 07:28 PM

So you have a delivery address??

joneh - 28/4/08 at 07:28 PM

I have two addresses so far, but I'm sure I'll get another before he's finished.

Griffo - 28/4/08 at 07:29 PM

rent a police costume and turn up on his door step and read him his rights before handing him an official looking envelope informing him that you are not delivering the cameras but will be keeping the money then leave before he opens it!!!!

blakep82 - 28/4/08 at 07:30 PM

just out of couriosity, how do you know he's a fraudster?

joneh - 28/4/08 at 07:31 PM

Good idea. Although I haven't taken any money as I know its fraud.

joneh - 28/4/08 at 07:36 PM

Originally posted by blakep82
just out of couriosity, how do you know he's a fraudster?

It reaked of it to start with. Bad English, hotmail address, etc. I googled the address and found this: SCAM

The format is exactly the same.

I've had the split card order and the status request. Just plotting my next move.

eznfrank - 28/4/08 at 09:34 PM

is he in uk? See for some amusing ways to deal with fraudsters