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Volvo ocean race game
tomgregory2000 - 15/10/08 at 08:53 PM

is anybody on here taking part in the volvo ocean race game? if so what is your boat called?
Mine is called Big T


Omni - 15/10/08 at 10:34 PM

Just joined up. My boat is Omnipotent


hobzy - 16/10/08 at 08:51 AM

Me too - Hobzy35

Hammerhead - 16/10/08 at 09:44 AM

I just joined, look pretty good.

My boat is Hammerhead.

Stuart_B - 16/10/08 at 10:09 AM

my boat name is stuart_b


Omni - 16/10/08 at 10:57 AM

I have added you all as friends in the game


Stuart_B - 16/10/08 at 11:44 AM

Originally posted by Omni
I have added you all as friends in the game


me too, and i have made some up some place too.

only 17710th now.

edit to say:just gained 8 more place, 17702th.

it is coming down.

[Edited on 16/10/08 by Stuart_B]

chris_smith - 16/10/08 at 11:58 AM

anyone got a link?

Omni - 16/10/08 at 12:01 PM

chris_smith - 16/10/08 at 12:03 PM

cool just joined boat called "smitstar"

chrsgrain - 16/10/08 at 12:11 PM

Me too..

Boat is ChrsGrain-Locost


dave r - 16/10/08 at 05:38 PM

just joined

MikeR - 16/10/08 at 05:49 PM

just joined, boat wibblywobbly

Lots of friends requests head out in a mo.

MikeR - 16/10/08 at 06:13 PM

hmm, seems i'm taking a different tack to everyone else. hope this cunning plan pays off.

Stuart_B - 16/10/08 at 06:51 PM

what is the my km in the ranking table? as it shows as 0km still and evert body more?


chris_smith - 16/10/08 at 06:53 PM

how come since lunch today i have moved a grand total of "0km" when the rest of you have moved and im still with you all?


chris_smith - 16/10/08 at 07:56 PM

just set up a group i have sent invites to all that i know who are sailing gave it the wonderfully original name of "locosters"

come aboard "aaaarrrrrrrr"

i know pirate day was weeks ago

Omni - 16/10/08 at 07:59 PM

You show 0km whilst anyone ahead of you will show xkm and anyone behind you will show xkm. o means were you are and the other figure show ahead or behind you depending on where they show in the table. If that makes any sense?!


Stuart_B - 17/10/08 at 08:11 AM

i am not doing to good every body has over taken me.


Omni - 17/10/08 at 09:09 AM

DOH!!! I got overtaken in the night! DAMN YOU CHRIS, you got a good tack in last night lol

chrsgrain - 17/10/08 at 09:47 AM

Might hit the islands though!


chris_smith - 17/10/08 at 11:41 AM

im completely addicted cant turn the damn thing off

MikeR - 17/10/08 at 11:54 AM

well i can't blooming well access it from work.

grrr, going to hit the island if i'm not careful, need to change tack a little.

chris_smith - 17/10/08 at 12:02 PM

think u will be fine for few hours mike or maybe not

Richard Quinn - 17/10/08 at 02:36 PM

Well, I'm playing catch-up. Locomille is mine

Omni - 17/10/08 at 02:41 PM

I'm hoping Chris sinks as he is WELL out in front! lol

[Edited on 17/10/08 by Omni]

Stuart_B - 17/10/08 at 03:14 PM

how come i am doing so rubish?


chris_smith - 17/10/08 at 07:06 PM

god damn forgot to check before leaving work and not logged in till now and im beached
i was doin so well started to close chris down to gutted

Omni - 17/10/08 at 07:09 PM

Ahhh SMITSTAR sorry to hear that dude! What happens when you beach????


[Edited on 17/10/08 by Omni]

chris_smith - 17/10/08 at 07:14 PM

does hobzy know something we dont??

Omni - 17/10/08 at 07:15 PM


Omni - 17/10/08 at 07:17 PM

Hammerhead is about to hit! lol

YQUSTA - 17/10/08 at 07:40 PM

im on too ship name is yqusta


chris_smith - 17/10/08 at 08:19 PM

hammerhead is real close their

[Edited on 17/10/08 by chris_smith]

chris_smith - 17/10/08 at 09:01 PM

think hammerhead has beached

jos - 17/10/08 at 09:54 PM

I'm in there too


Well behind you all

YQUSTA - 17/10/08 at 10:41 PM

Ahoy there

I see Mike is right behind me but I just caught a cheeky breeze with a nice change of direction


Stuart_B - 18/10/08 at 07:35 AM

Originally posted by Omni
Ahhh SMITSTAR sorry to hear that dude! What happens when you beach????


[Edited on 17/10/08 by Omni]

well you and me are beached as well now.


Omni - 18/10/08 at 08:16 AM

LMFAO! I lost 2000 places getting stuck! HAHAHAHA!

YQUSTA - 18/10/08 at 09:03 AM

868 gained over night

Omni - 18/10/08 at 09:05 AM

Originally posted by YQUSTA
868 gained over night



YQUSTA - 18/10/08 at 09:05 AM


chrsgrain - 18/10/08 at 09:15 AM



But you've got to turn away from the coast at some point......


YQUSTA - 18/10/08 at 09:18 AM

Done with a speed increase

Hammerhead - 18/10/08 at 09:56 AM

well i didn't hit over night! looked very close though. and gained 1600 odd places

now i'm not sure where to head

YQUSTA - 18/10/08 at 09:59 AM

nice 1

You seam to be heading in the right sort of place


Hammerhead - 18/10/08 at 10:01 AM

well i might have been, but now just changed heading

you will be even further ahead of me when it all shakes out

[Edited on 18/10/08 by Hammerhead]

chris_smith - 18/10/08 at 10:18 AM

stuart and omni did you find BUMPS in the night ha ha

Stuart_B - 18/10/08 at 03:06 PM

yes, i lost 849 place but gained back 113, so a quick change of direction and a back on track. all i need now is a big outboard motor to catch you lot up.


MikeR - 18/10/08 at 04:14 PM

i gained lots over night, but have now lost lots.

Trying to get speed by sticking to the coast, but concious i need to get into the middle of the ocean to get round teh marker soon

chrsgrain - 18/10/08 at 06:31 PM

I'm heading West to try and catch the Easterlies a bit further out.... managed to not change place at all during the day...


Omni - 18/10/08 at 06:45 PM

Originally posted by chris_smith
stuart and omni did you find BUMPS in the night ha ha

LMAO! Man I must have slept very well as I did not feel a thing

I got my gaffer tape out this morning and it is all fine (Gotta keep it Locost )


Omni - 18/10/08 at 06:46 PM

I hope you all know this is a 9 month game!!!! lol

I am gonna need a favour soon as I am on hols, so I need someone to sail my boat whilst I am away and I will return the favour when you are away


chris_smith - 18/10/08 at 06:55 PM

ill help ya out omni when your on hols you might have to lend me your gaffa tape though

yeah i realised the nine month thing last nighthow many of us will last till the end i wonder

Stuart_B - 19/10/08 at 07:54 AM

i lost 1800odd place over night, i am in 20200th place, try and beat that if you can.


Omni - 19/10/08 at 07:56 AM

I lost another 6000+ !!!!!!!!!

Beat that!!!!!


Omni - 19/10/08 at 08:19 AM

PHEW!!! I just gained back 6417 places in 10 minutes YAY!!!!

YQUSTA - 19/10/08 at 10:09 AM

lol ^^^^

i slept in late and missed my tack point now got to deal with crap winds but we'll be back on track soon


MikeR - 19/10/08 at 11:44 AM

I'm trying to chase down smitstar - was 29kms from him last night, now 90kms from him....

chasing him again .....

(9 months .... eeek)

dave r - 19/10/08 at 03:20 PM

i used to play planetarion....3 months or so of no or interupted sleep
roll on the good times

chrsgrain - 19/10/08 at 07:03 PM

I don't think any of us will be winning the car - but its good fun... hope my high risk strategy pays off - doubt it somehow!


YQUSTA - 19/10/08 at 07:14 PM

You never know Chris we are close to the leaders in the whole scheme of things.

But your right it is good fun anyway.


Stuart_B - 19/10/08 at 07:42 PM

Originally posted by YQUSTA

But your right it is good fun anyway.


great fun i am slowly geeting a few places back.only 13 but it is a start.LOL

YQUSTA - 19/10/08 at 07:50 PM

13 is 13 it all helps

I'm trying to decide what to do tonight im heading for a good beaching and a small hole to slot it through


chris_smith - 19/10/08 at 07:52 PM

you mean theres a damn prize and theres me just wallowing away like it is just for fun ..............................right wheres that outboard gone

YQUSTA - 19/10/08 at 07:54 PM

lol I was going to ask for a pinto donation to use as an anchor but youve given me an idea for my zx9r engine

Stuart_B - 19/10/08 at 07:59 PM

yes, enough 20.

as well locomile has brought a few things as you look at him he is not on pro sail option, he was everythink, auto sails, prog plots and auto plot on wind?


YQUSTA - 19/10/08 at 08:04 PM

I see what you mean with loco he's fully loaded.

was thinking of the full package but ........

the auto sails I believe change only between large spin and standard jib

the auto wind looks like it could put me in a whole heap of dung the way im heading

Stuart_B - 19/10/08 at 08:08 PM

Originally posted by YQUSTA
I see what you mean with loco he's fully loaded.

was thinking of the full package but ........

the auto sails I believe change only between large spin and standard jib

the auto wind looks like it could put me in a whole heap of dung the way im heading

are you going to share you plan??

i looked at getting them but i am not going to pay for them (doing it locost style)


[Edited on 19/10/08 by Stuart_B]

YQUSTA - 19/10/08 at 08:11 PM

My plan is very simple

find really big shark shoot with hapoon tie to boat and hang a seal infront of him


Stuart_B - 19/10/08 at 08:17 PM

brillant idea. we all could do it a show how it is done locost style.

chrsgrain - 20/10/08 at 05:46 PM

Aaarrgh... looks like heading West was a bad idea - wibblywobbly and smitstar have overtaken me

Then again, you guys have got to get through the doldrums yet...


Stuart_B - 20/10/08 at 06:29 PM

well i have got 800 place back, today.


Omni - 20/10/08 at 06:30 PM



Stuart_B - 20/10/08 at 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Omni


and enough 300 ood. yes i am going for it now.

just truned in and got a enough 2kph speed.


i am realy getting involed in this know.

hobzy - 20/10/08 at 07:00 PM

Woohoo 600 odd places made up today!

Can't believe some of you are cheating and buying the pro packs - locost my arse

Hammerhead - 20/10/08 at 08:11 PM

glad i checked in, was heading for an island! aaarrgghh me harties

Hugh_ - 20/10/08 at 08:33 PM

How did I miss this!!! Just signed up with "Floating a Loan" (shamefully stolen!) Currently lying 28675th having lose 6600 places in the first 10 minutes, great!

chrsgrain - 20/10/08 at 08:43 PM

I've got the pro sails for nothing..... not sure how??


YQUSTA - 20/10/08 at 09:03 PM

The pro sail are sponsered for the first leg

Smitstar would you please get off me arse your making me watch intently


[Edited on 20/10/08 by YQUSTA]

[Edited on 20/10/08 by YQUSTA]

MikeR - 20/10/08 at 10:26 PM

grr you two - i'm doing my best to chase you down but its not working.

Change of strategy, i'm heading for the typhoon! Bring it on baby yeah!

(pro sales are free this leg - use them you get an extra few knots, apart from Smitstar & Yqusta obviously)

Hugh_ - 20/10/08 at 11:22 PM

Any ideas how much the light kite will hold? Freshening breeze overnight where I am!

YQUSTA - 20/10/08 at 11:30 PM

not sure Hugh but the wind only changes at 11 am and pm I think so what you see is what you get for 12 hours


YQUSTA - 20/10/08 at 11:32 PM

Just checked you position you should be ok with light spin i would have thought


Hugh_ - 20/10/08 at 11:46 PM

Interesting what you say about the wind only changing then. I had assumed that as T0 shows a NNE and T12 shows ENE that it would change sometime during the night/early tomorrow. I might gybe it now and hope for the best!

I had a quick look on the game forums and 20 and 22kts have been mentioned as limits for the light kite, obviously isnt that light...

Editted to say: Wahey I seem to have made up 5600 places this evening, now lying about 23000!

[Edited on 20/10/08 by Hugh_]

YQUSTA - 20/10/08 at 11:56 PM

woohoo good work

liam.mccaffrey - 21/10/08 at 12:26 AM

how do i join the locosters group?

I'm Racetech btw in the green boat

chris_smith - 21/10/08 at 06:46 AM

liam i have sent u an invite to join the group
good luck


YQUSTA - 21/10/08 at 07:14 AM

Welcome Liam

I think Chrisgrain is going to make a sneeky move from the west after his early move out there.


[Edited on 21/10/08 by YQUSTA]

hobzy - 21/10/08 at 09:33 AM

Damn its blocked at work now

YQUSTA - 21/10/08 at 09:57 AM

No way gutted for you mate

MikeR - 21/10/08 at 11:15 AM

Speaking to a sailing bloke here, 35km is about the limit of a light thingy. He's wrecked one at 20km

Hugh_ - 21/10/08 at 11:24 AM

I dont seem to be able to log on this morning. Doh the wind will have veered by now so my speed will be right down .

[Edited on 21/10/08 by Hugh_]

greggors84 - 21/10/08 at 12:32 PM

Ive joined in now on the good boat HMS Brick.

Is there a locost group? Ive added a load of you on there now.

Way behind!

chris_smith - 21/10/08 at 12:41 PM

greggors i have sent u an invite for the group
good luck

Richard Quinn - 21/10/08 at 08:22 PM

Firstly, I only really wanted the sail repair kits but they were doing a package. It's crap, don't bother (or maybe it's me that can't work it). You have to be psychic to use the autohelm as you need to work out where you will be in a few hours and guess what the wind will be doing at that time. The autowindy thing seems to be very effective at slowing you down if you are going too fast. I have used both twice and with no success! I can assure you that I won't be using any of it again!!
Secondly, I know I had a couple of friend requests but when I went to acknowledge them they had disappeared. If it shows that I rejected/declined etc I apaologise - It was not intentional!
Oh well - Off to check again now!

YQUSTA - 21/10/08 at 08:31 PM

with the wind all you have to do is think about 11am and 11pm in between it stays the same so very easy to work out just dont think of the 12 hr when you set your heading.


chrsgrain - 21/10/08 at 10:42 PM

Getting closer out there.... and I'm up all night at work so I can see how it all works out, I think we're all going to bunch up as we hit the light winds.....


YQUSTA - 21/10/08 at 10:44 PM

I think your right there mate we were all close together at the start went our ways and are now meeting back up


Hugh_ - 23/10/08 at 06:20 AM

Wahey, 563 places gained in 1 night I just hope that weather forecast is right because I'm heading for a very narrow strip of wind in about 30 hours time!

Stuart_B - 23/10/08 at 07:05 AM

yes, 1187 place gained over night, now hope the tac i have just done will be ok.


YQUSTA - 23/10/08 at 07:08 AM

Hugh dont trust the wind or the speed of ship as exact it may change.


Hugh_ - 23/10/08 at 07:30 AM

I know, I'll see what happens at 11. But from my position trying to go either E or W of the light patch would mean massively more distance, exacerbated by the wind direction. I'm planning to just get down there and sail a quick wind angle to keep the boat moving through the light stuff, we'll see whether it works.

Hammerhead - 23/10/08 at 02:03 PM

i'm right in the poop now!!

chrsgrain - 23/10/08 at 04:54 PM

Was doing really well, but the wind has shifted just the wrong way, so am now bleeding off places really fast ah well... hope the forecast is wrong otherwise am really knackered!


Richard Quinn - 23/10/08 at 06:24 PM

It's a conspiracy! Good job that there is absolutely no wind or I would be going back the way I've come even quicker than I got here!!

Simon - 23/10/08 at 09:36 PM

Just joined

Forgot to validate my heading so lost 6600 places in 5 minutes

Chris, could you invite me too pleeeze.

Boat name JacJos




[Edited on 23/10/08 by Simon]

chrsgrain - 24/10/08 at 06:26 AM

I've added you as a friend, but I'm not running the locosters group... you can just go to groups and click on it to join though....


chris_smith - 24/10/08 at 07:19 AM

hi simon i have just sent you an invite to join the group happy sailing


chris_smith - 24/10/08 at 07:20 AM

god damn wind has stopped logged on to find me literally bobbing around going no where i seem to be in a windless hole

chrsgrain - 24/10/08 at 07:58 AM

Originally posted by chris_smith
hi simon i have just sent you an invite to join the group happy sailing


Ah - other Chris!

MikeR - 25/10/08 at 02:59 PM


After being 30 miles behind Smitstar, then due to a brilliant idea not being carried through to fruitition dropping hundreds of miles .....

I'm now 5 whole miles infront !!!!!


(i'm sure it won't last)

YQUSTA - 25/10/08 at 03:05 PM


the doldrums has been a killer to navigate i was stopped for hours after being called out to work just before the wind changed.


chrsgrain - 25/10/08 at 03:23 PM

I thought I'd got through the doldrums by going west - then they moved - bugger - now essentially stopped while everyone else is streaming away. Lost 2500 place in last 12 hours

Ah well....


YQUSTA - 25/10/08 at 03:30 PM

yeah I thought you were well away 2 days ago but we are all bunching up again.

oioi - 25/10/08 at 07:36 PM

not racing myself - too little time at a keyboard - but a good (long...) thread over at in the ocean racing section if your interested.

Hammerhead - 26/10/08 at 09:14 AM

a few of you stuck at 0km/h at the moment

Come on where's the dedication?

MikeR - 26/10/08 at 09:36 AM


its given me the chance to catch up and over take.

A couple of days ago when i was a few hundred miles behind i was a bit down and wondered why bother. Now i've clawed all that back and feeling happy again.

Can't believe that Chris has lost so much of his lead.

Finding out that the winds only change at 11pm and 11am (should now be 12 and 12 with teh clocks changing) makes it a lot easier to plan / predict what to do.

YQUSTA - 26/10/08 at 09:41 AM

yeah i wasnt too happy to find my boat stopped when i got back from work 1 day but have managed to claw back the time then make up a shed load more.

there is still a hell of a long way to go just on this leg so dont give up guy's.


[Edited on 26/10/08 by YQUSTA]

Simon - 26/10/08 at 11:20 AM

Gained another 1200 places overnight

Now up to 20475



chrsgrain - 26/10/08 at 11:59 AM

I just got caught in a bubble of lift shifty winds for 48 hours - one of those things, everything had been going well and the west gamble had paid off.... ah well... pain now is that I've got to pinch all the way to the marker, if I was further east I could go a bit quicker....

Ho hum


Richard Quinn - 26/10/08 at 01:27 PM

Has anyone managed to work out how the distances are calculated? Also, a few people have mentioned marks/markers. Where/what are these? The only things I've spotted are those at the end of each leg e.g. Cape Town at the end of the first leg.

Hugh_ - 26/10/08 at 02:48 PM

Originally posted by Simon
Just joined

Forgot to validate my heading so lost 6600 places in 5 minutes

Chris, could you invite me too pleeeze.

Boat name JacJos




[Edited on 23/10/08 by Simon]

Simon, I just added you (boat name Floating a Loan) and we appear to be right next to each other, could be a good race!

YQUSTA - 26/10/08 at 03:34 PM

Richard look for the bouy's 1 is just below the equator where most boats are heading its along the dotted orange line


Richard Quinn - 26/10/08 at 05:52 PM


chrsgrain - 27/10/08 at 08:09 AM

Well... now we're all (pretty much) in the trade winds, it looks to me like WibblyWobbly and YQUSTA will round the mark first/second... I'm pinching too much to get a lot of speed - and BigT has already had to put a tack in, which has cost him ground.... its all pretty close though, which is good

Question is now - where to head once we're round the mark - Deep south into the Southern Ocean winds, or more direct, with a head wind all the way...... anyone decided yet??


[Edited on 27/10/08 by chrsgrain]

MikeR - 27/10/08 at 09:30 AM

i've decided (I'm WibblyWobbly by the way).

Not telling mind you

Oh ok, i'm heading south.

Just wish i'd stuck to my plan a few days ago and not tacked hard west once past the islands, i'd be in the lead now.

Can't believe how much ground i've made up. To those behind who are thinking "i've got no chance" stick with it. I made up huge amounts over a couple of days.

Probably best bet is to see what i do & see what the full race leaders are doing, our group leaders then try and read the 36 hour forecast, sacrifice a chicken and make up a strategy (its what i do).

chrsgrain - 27/10/08 at 09:42 AM

Originally posted by MikeR
sacrifice a chicken

I knew I was forgetting something!!!


Simon - 27/10/08 at 08:59 PM

Originally posted by Hugh_

Simon, I just added you (boat name Floating a Loan) and we appear to be right next to each other, could be a good race!


You may have noticed I closed the gap last night - tucking in behind you and now, having not checked the winds seem to be 40 odd miles behind you

Just crossing equator now



MikeR - 27/10/08 at 10:29 PM

Oh yeah baby, i'm da man, i'm da man!


Just technically overtaken YQUSTA - reality is he's in front of me but a little more off the 'racing' line so i'm 4 miles infront.

To all the new starters - use the pro sails, you get them free this leg and get an extra bit of speed from them.

Hugh_ - 28/10/08 at 12:37 AM

Originally posted by Simon
Originally posted by Hugh_

Simon, I just added you (boat name Floating a Loan) and we appear to be right next to each other, could be a good race!


You may have noticed I closed the gap last night - tucking in behind you and now, having not checked the winds seem to be 40 odd miles behind you

Just crossing equator now




I saw your sneeky bear away for a little more speed but decided that the boat on boat dynamics of the game were probably non-existent and that maintaining height in order to reach into the mark was what I would do.

I'm still not sure which I'm going once beyond the mark, but erring towards south at the moment!

chris_smith - 28/10/08 at 09:51 PM

found this in the news area thought it was quite apt any of you lot have the same thing goin on lol

Tue 28 Oct 2008
My husband has been acting most strangely for the past week. He works from home and has his one office he seems to de getting very depressed lately.

He's locked in there for hours at a time, we use to go to the pub four or five times a week. The other day he came screaming out off his office something about he had broken a sale? I thought it was something to do with his work. Then the other night it was 3 am before he came to bed, moaning all night about the forecast being late again. I haven't seen him for two days just passing from his office to the bathroom and back. All I get from him is those sodden doldrums. I just cannot stand it anymore.

He mumbled something (in passing in the early hours off the morning) about Il de femando de noronha and cape town, I asked him if we were going there for a holiday but he said ‘you just don't understand’.

To top the lot I went to bed last night and caught him in bed with another laptop - I just don't know what to do and IM OFF TO MY MOTHER. Help me!

Fair winds and calm seas to you all
‘pipers song’ out

Simon - 28/10/08 at 10:51 PM


Was getting depressed last night, what with what had been a 13 mile lead to you, increasing to 45 miles, then you took a dubious turn......

32000th on 23/10 to 13363 now



MikeR - 28/10/08 at 11:18 PM

i've dropped back a little again, wish i'd checked my course before going to work this morning, would have left me in a much better position.

Its sooooo close!

G.f has dropped a comment about "playing that game again"

YQUSTA - 29/10/08 at 08:23 AM

I feel like a fox being hunted

work has for once been busy so I have just had to set a course and go with it but its ok at the moment.

Not sure which way is going to be best in the long run but I also think there will be very little difference as the distance saved from cutting straight accross will be lost by the speed and vice versa.


chrsgrain - 29/10/08 at 08:45 AM

I'm sitting just behind you guys - but I have a plan..... whichever way you go - I'll go the other way... otherwise I think it will just be a procession to Cape Town now...


Simon - 29/10/08 at 05:39 PM

Is it me, or is there another waypoint that needs passing down south as a lot of boats seem to have gone a long way south, but west of the route line, or can we go whichever way we like to CT.




[Edited on 29/10/08 by Simon]

MikeR - 29/10/08 at 06:11 PM

I think any way you want.

Basically you have a choice - direct through (currently) calmer winds. Indirect (down south) and hit the gales......

Me i'm ..... hoping someone makes the decision for me. I don't like being near the front, i like like to hunt people down (it seems).

Simon - 29/10/08 at 07:00 PM

South it is, then




Omni - 29/10/08 at 10:21 PM

It is getting closer

Can we all post our Forum names and boat names in one place to make it easier to know who is who????


YQUSTA - 29/10/08 at 10:22 PM


Simon - 29/10/08 at 10:25 PM

Omni = Omnipotent
JacJos = Simon



[Edited on 29/10/08 by Simon]

Richard Quinn - 29/10/08 at 10:25 PM

Richard Quinn = Locomille

Omni - 29/10/08 at 10:26 PM

Omni = Omnipotent
JacJos = Simon
Richard Quinn = Locomille

dave r - 30/10/08 at 06:59 AM

dave r = angus thermopyle

chris_smith - 30/10/08 at 08:14 AM

chris_smith = smitstar
youll know its me im the one at the BACK

Stuart_B - 30/10/08 at 10:21 AM

stuart_b on here
stuart_b on the game

MikeR - 30/10/08 at 10:49 AM

To make it easier i've put all the names together so far, please cut and paste this reply and add yoru name to the bottom.

Locost Builders = Volvo Race

MikeR = WibblyWobbly
stuart_b = stuart_b
chris_smith = smitstar
dave r = angus thermopyle
Omni = Omnipotent
JacJos = Simon
Richard Quinn = Locomille

chrsgrain - 30/10/08 at 12:14 PM

MikeR = WibblyWobbly
stuart_b = stuart_b
chris_smith = smitstar
dave r = angus thermopyle
Omni = Omnipotent
JacJos = Simon
Richard Quinn = Locomille
chrsgrain = chrsgrain


Hammerhead - 30/10/08 at 03:05 PM

MikeR = WibblyWobbly
stuart_b = stuart_b
chris_smith = smitstar
dave r = angus thermopyle
Omni = Omnipotent
JacJos = Simon
Richard Quinn = Locomille
chrsgrain = chrsgrain
Hammerhead = Hammerhead

Hugh_ - 30/10/08 at 05:35 PM

Tag | Boat Name

MikeR = WibblyWobbly
stuart_b = stuart_b
chris_smith = smitstar
dave r = angus thermopyle
Omni = Omnipotent
Simon = JacJos
Richard Quinn = Locomille
chrsgrain = chrsgrain
Hammerhead = Hammerhead
Hugh_ = Floating a Loan (and Hugh_ because I temporarily couldnt get onto FaL so setup another!)

jos - 31/10/08 at 08:24 AM

MikeR = WibblyWobbly
stuart_b = stuart_b
chris_smith = smitstar
dave r = angus thermopyle
Omni = Omnipotent
Simon = JacJos
Richard Quinn = Locomille
chrsgrain = chrsgrain
Hammerhead = Hammerhead
Hugh_ = Floating a Loan (and Hugh_ because I temporarily couldnt get onto FaL so setup another!)
jos = fairlady

MikeR - 31/10/08 at 10:43 AM

damn it - never got to check my course last night or this morning ......

god knows where i'll end up

Richard Quinn - 31/10/08 at 11:32 AM

Mike, you've sunk over night!

Only kidding!

MikeR - 31/10/08 at 07:18 PM

thank god - some amazing babes wandered past in a speed boat. Pumped the water out of mine (it wasn't completely sunk), rigged the sail and a couple have decided to stay with me as first mates.

You won't believe what they can do with ropes!

I'm watching Hammerhead closely. He's taking the route i almost took. Curious to see how well he does.

YQUSTA - 31/10/08 at 11:16 PM


wont they slow you down?

then again who would care about that with a bevy of babes on board

Hammerhead - 1/11/08 at 10:57 AM

Originally posted by MikeR
I'm watching Hammerhead closely. He's taking the route i almost took. Curious to see how well he does.

Well I lost 940 places overnight! so not too well. Think a change of tactic is needed. Although when I started this route i gained 2400 places. But wind not in my favour from now on in!

MikeR - 1/11/08 at 11:36 AM

Yeah but your going the shorter route - I'm not quite sure how the computer figures out placings. It all seemed to go weird when you turned off course - you where (i thought) miles behind but the computer had you 4 or 5 miles behind.

Now - seeing as we're running winter time in the uk - does that mean the winds change at 12 midnight and 12 noon?

Omni - 1/11/08 at 11:38 AM

The winds change at 11am and 11pm


hobzy - 1/11/08 at 01:43 PM

MikeR = WibblyWobbly
stuart_b = stuart_b
chris_smith = smitstar
dave r = angus thermopyle
Omni = Omnipotent
Simon = JacJos
Richard Quinn = Locomille
chrsgrain = chrsgrain
Hammerhead = Hammerhead
Hugh_ = Floating a Loan (and Hugh_ because I temporarily couldnt get onto FaL so setup another!)
jos = fairlady
hobzy = hobzy35

Got a bit too close to south america trying to round the mark and paid dearly...

Simon - 2/11/08 at 11:23 PM

Originally posted by YQUSTA

wont they slow you down?

then again who would care about that with a bevy of babes on board

Nah, they won't slow him down, they're inflatable

Leaders should be at finish in next 24 hrs. Bit behind



chrsgrain - 3/11/08 at 11:49 AM

Hmmm Bugger - big high presure area building in front of us all - YQUSTA might manage to get through ahead of it, but I think the rest of us are going to get stuck.....


YQUSTA - 3/11/08 at 04:31 PM

I've been trying to get ahead of it for 2 days now i'm just that little too slow every time.

Hammerhead - 4/11/08 at 10:56 AM

well i'm well and truly shafted now. The problem is we could all follow the route of the leaders in which case we will always be behind them (correct me if i'm wrong).
Or try a different route and try and gain position. Obviously not working for me, maybe I should try and get back on the 'standard' course.
Then again I may as well sail like I live my life!

Damn game.

RickRick - 4/11/08 at 10:59 AM

Hmm i signed up for this, as RickRick i think, but sort of lost interest, then found my self a day past the marker, so i set a new heading, going north to go back around it, that was a good few days ago so no idea were i am now!

YQUSTA - 4/11/08 at 11:40 AM

if you stay on the same line as the leaders it could work both ways depending on the wind.

Also each leg is separate so forget about this 1 and just think about the next.

its alot of luck with wind you can head for what you think will be a good breeze in a few days time get there and find its about as good as farting into your sails.


Richard Quinn - 4/11/08 at 12:01 PM

Originally posted by YQUSTA
its about as good as farting into your sails.

That would be quite a good option for me at the moment!!

chrsgrain - 4/11/08 at 12:35 PM

^^^ Yeah - me too - I think I'm about to grind to a halt... as you say though, its the best 6 legs which count... so bring on the next one. When does that start?


MikeR - 4/11/08 at 01:00 PM

well i've not given up - but two things have gone against me,
1 - not carrying through a plan around the canary islands
2 - not getting far enough south now.

Still curious how much further Yqusta and woody will get ahead ..... but i think i've got a good chance on third

chrsgrain - 4/11/08 at 02:25 PM

Yeah Mike, I had planned to go South, then thought I could catch the system swinging off the coast of S America - but missed it and now entering the doldrums part II.... never mind....


Hugh_ - 4/11/08 at 08:40 PM

Hmmmm, it would appear that going for the beat down the middle idea wasn't exactly a great one. Nevermind!

YQUSTA - 4/11/08 at 11:09 PM

well I didn't out run the bad wind and by the looks of things im stuck with it till the end.


Omni - 4/11/08 at 11:10 PM

Me too :'( SUX!!

Simon - 5/11/08 at 12:33 AM

Leaders have started finishing, and I reckon on another week of sailing

Fortunately nearly two weeks to the next stage, so a bit of shore leave



YQUSTA - 5/11/08 at 11:13 AM

woohoo shore leave babes booze and well what ever you like just don't miss the start

MikeR - 5/11/08 at 12:22 PM

Ah, just figured out why my boat is so slow....

i've already got the babes and booze on board. I'm looking for a break when i get to shore :p

YQUSTA - 7/11/08 at 08:34 PM

the end is in sight another 48 hours ish.

good to see the pro sails are still free for the next leg, shame the logo doesnt match my colour scheme

Simon - 7/11/08 at 11:12 PM


You seem to be lagging and need to go around the buoy




YQUSTA - 7/11/08 at 11:35 PM

Oh my thats a long way to go back be easier to start a new boat as it will be past that point anyway.

YQUSTA - 7/11/08 at 11:37 PM

looks like hms brick has found some fun in the sun and racetech is going to join him

iscmatt - 8/11/08 at 12:16 AM

hey, i just found this thread. i registered for this ages ago and then left it, just logged in and found myself just south of arctic circle!!, i've just gone in a dead straight line!!! opps

I've put in a request to join the locosters group - i'm MK Indyus!!

I think i'm a long way off haha!! maybe i need to turn around!!

vv EDIT vv

I'm in position 53911!!

a little off the pace - maybe i should just start again?

when and how does leg 2 start? can i be included in it?

[Edited on 8/11/08 by iscmatt]

YQUSTA - 8/11/08 at 12:19 AM


turn around i would start again would be easier

added you to friends list

iscmatt - 8/11/08 at 12:27 AM

Originally posted by YQUSTA

turn around i would start again would be easier

added you to friends list

should i just re-register then?

YQUSTA - 8/11/08 at 12:30 AM

I would you will start in the last 20% of the racers (just south of the bouy i think)


you could wait till the start of the next leg which is in about 2 weeks


iscmatt - 8/11/08 at 12:33 AM

can i delete my account?? can't seem to be able to? - i want to use the same email account but it wont let me re-register with the same email? if not i'll just use my other email...

YQUSTA - 8/11/08 at 12:35 AM

as far as i am aware you cant delete an account

and i dont have a clue if it will let you use the same e-mail account

iscmatt - 8/11/08 at 12:40 AM

ok, i've re-registered!!

i am now: Indyus

I'll add some people and reapply to the group!

so now am i just by the buoy off south america!

what a kufuffel!!! just got to keep an eye on it now!

thanks for your help

[Edited on 8/11/08 by iscmatt]

YQUSTA - 8/11/08 at 12:43 AM

No problem

Ive added you as a friend

iscmatt - 8/11/08 at 12:49 AM

cool, the race is on!! for me to catch up that is!!

I'm now 42323rd

I think i have added most of you guys, if not please add me If you want a laugh add my first one too lol! I have turned the boat around

i can see myself getting addicted now i know that there are others playing!!

iscmatt - 8/11/08 at 01:24 AM

holy smokes!!

i've gained 8064 places already!! lol

now 34286th

i've got strong wind atm (oo-er!!)

[Edited on 8/11/08 by iscmatt]

chris_smith - 8/11/08 at 10:50 AM

welcome to the thread matt iv added you to the group happy sailing

chris_smith - 8/11/08 at 10:52 AM

calling Big T, calling Big T

where are you tommy you started this excellent thread and i havent seen you for a while just checked were you are on the ocean and your "GOING THE WRONG WAY"

get back on track mate

iscmatt - 8/11/08 at 03:54 PM

thanks chris - and to those who have added me

Big T is my closest competition!! i've gained 250km on him over night, probably helped that he is going the wrong way though!!

iscmatt - 9/11/08 at 09:52 AM

YQUSTA - you've nearly done it!! do you think you'll be there by the end of he day?

YQUSTA - 9/11/08 at 10:39 AM

yeah I think in about 10-11 hours I should hit land

YQUSTA - 9/11/08 at 03:28 PM

uh oh the server is down hope im still heading in the right direction

Omni - 9/11/08 at 04:13 PM

BUGGER!!! I can't get on! Just hope I am still going the right way!!!! GULP!!!!


iscmatt - 9/11/08 at 05:40 PM

website is still down

iscmatt - 9/11/08 at 05:40 PM

website is still down

MikeR - 9/11/08 at 06:55 PM

damn it - server down. Last time i checked i some how got 2nd place. My gamble of heading south seems to have paid off (finally).

Just hope everything stays ok ..... (and the server comes back)

YQUSTA - 9/11/08 at 06:58 PM


I should be at or very near the finish now and the bloody server is still down.

I do hope that my heading was spot on or I could be running aground soon

Richard Quinn - 9/11/08 at 07:13 PM

With my slight tactical error, I don't think it will make much difference to me with the server being down!

Stuart_B - 9/11/08 at 07:43 PM

last time i went on, i only need to change course in 24hours hope it will be back soon.


YQUSTA - 9/11/08 at 07:46 PM

according to the results which is now working again I'm 78km from the finish but I dont know if that is past it or I havent got to it yet I hope the latter

iscmatt - 9/11/08 at 09:20 PM

This is a quote form one of the threads in the forum;

PlayerOne wrote on Sun 09 Nov 2008 20:55:53:

"All boats have stopped so you won't end up in the middle of nowhere when the servers are back up."

So we'll just have to wait and see. To follow the thread "CLICK ME"

hopefully it'll be back on soon!!

chrsgrain - 9/11/08 at 09:52 PM

Working now - no major dramas as far as I can see...


Omni - 9/11/08 at 09:54 PM

IT'S BACK!!!!!

YQUSTA - 9/11/08 at 10:41 PM

damn them they stopped the boats I would have finished now

I'm away for the week so its set the heading and hope time, I dont fancy logging in at 5 am tomorrow.

Omni - 9/11/08 at 11:37 PM

It's still buggered! Not gone anywhere for 35 mins now

iscmatt - 10/11/08 at 12:57 AM

Originally posted by YQUSTA
I dont fancy logging in at 5 am tomorrow.

I bet you will though - just to make sure!!!

iscmatt - 10/11/08 at 01:03 AM

Hang On!!

YQUSTA!! You are there!!!

well done that man!

YQUSTA - 10/11/08 at 01:27 PM

woohoo wireless network

thanks matt

thank god I was heading in the correct direction.

Simon - 10/11/08 at 10:41 PM


Well done


Is it just me, or have all of you had your "Friends" lists deleted?



Richard Quinn - 10/11/08 at 11:01 PM

yeah! It's suddenly got very lonely out there. It's not just friends that have disappeared - everyone's gone! I guess the Bermuda Triangle must have relocated

Simon - 11/11/08 at 12:52 AM

All back now

Obviously so they could sneak a few more Frenchies into the lead



chris_smith - 11/11/08 at 01:23 PM

just read this on the news section so thought id just pass it to you guys for your information


Some of you have already finished, but for everyone who is still sailing LEG 1 will end on Thursday 13 Nov 2008 22:00:00. You can use this time to get to get as high in the ranking as possible because your ranking still counts for your overall ranking!

Everyone has between Thursday 22:00 and Saturday 12:00 15 hours to see Cape Town and rest a bit, for LEG 2 will start at the same time as the real race (Saturday 12:00).

Good luck to everyone!

[Edited on 11/11/08 by chris_smith]

dave r - 11/11/08 at 06:12 PM

is that gmt or some other time zone ?

MikeR - 11/11/08 at 06:26 PM

woohoo - i planned my course well and finished today. Never thought i'd get second. Really chuffed. Now time for some R&R with those girls i picked up on the route.

See you all Saturday (GMT or ????) i'm guessing it will be 11am UK time.

Good luck the rest of you, there is some close boats out there.

chris_smith - 12/11/08 at 08:06 AM

Some of you have already finished, but for everyone who is still sailing LEG 1 will end on Thursday 13 Nov 2008 22:00:00. You can use this time to get to get as high in the ranking as possible because your ranking still counts for your overall ranking!

Everyone has between Thursday 22:00 and Saturday 13:00 (both GMT +2) to see Cape Town and rest a bit, LEG 2 will start at the same time as the real race.

Good luck to everyone

chris_smith - 12/11/08 at 10:17 PM

ok i have really caught this bug now look what i found today


iscmatt - 12/11/08 at 11:49 PM

Originally posted by chris_smith
ok i have really caught this bug now look what i found today


has anyone joined this? I'm legend25

i guess you just have to go through each of the buoys?

chris_smith - 13/11/08 at 06:26 PM

hi all
the end of leg 1 is only 2hrs 40 something mins away congrats to Yqusta on completion first of the locosters, well done to all that finished the course and better luck next time to the guys pulling up the rear (including me) dont forget the start on saturday for leg 2 which begins at 1300hrs cet i believe thats 1100hrs gmt (please correct me if im wrong)
dont give up if your trailing behind as everyone discards their worse 2 (i think its 2) results so everyone has everything to play or should i say sail for

good luck guys


Stuart_B - 13/11/08 at 08:20 PM

hi, well only a few mintues left and i am 1600km away, if only i did not run agound.ah well better luck next leg for any one how did not finsh and well done to all of those that did.


Omni - 14/11/08 at 11:40 AM

Keep plugging away guys!!!! And thanks to Smitstar for sailing my tub whilst I was away a few couple of weeks back! She finally made it safely to Cape Town 2 or so days ago! PHEW!!!!!


Simon - 15/11/08 at 10:38 AM

Only 20 mins to Leg 2



Richard Quinn - 15/11/08 at 11:04 AM

I guess the server isn't up to 60,000 "skippers" trying to check their course!!

dave r - 15/11/08 at 11:05 AM

seems to be working here
about the only time i will see 1st place though

YQUSTA - 15/11/08 at 11:06 AM

yup got off the line now server has died lmfao

chrsgrain - 15/11/08 at 11:08 AM

Yeah - me too - you would have thought they could have guessed the server demand....


YQUSTA - 15/11/08 at 11:37 AM

server back up but expect to be back from the start line

Omni - 15/11/08 at 11:43 AM

LOL! I have already lost 34000 odd places!!! WOW!

Richard Quinn - 15/11/08 at 12:34 PM

Don't get it! Is there a start gate in that melee somewhere? I've just dropped 57k places and the 2nd place guy is slightly further back

Richard Quinn - 15/11/08 at 12:41 PM

Just gained 50k places. I guess it'll sort itself out as people spread out more

MikeR - 15/11/08 at 01:18 PM

The poor computer is having a hell of a lot of load + everyone is very close. Its just going to take a few hours / day to sort out the rankings.

I'm trying to be brave and keep heading away from the direction we're supposed to be going.

Woohoo - we're racing again

MikeR - 15/11/08 at 03:03 PM

arrrgghh, everyone is turning east ..... wish you wouldn't makes me worry about my strategy now I don't want to spend the next week or two trying to catch up!

iscmatt - 15/11/08 at 05:05 PM

Nearly beached it already!!! underestimated the boats speed!!

YQUSTA - 16/11/08 at 12:54 AM

Well the field is starting to spread out some interesting directions taken.

I do hope I chose the right 1


chrsgrain - 16/11/08 at 09:53 AM

^^^ looks like you're off to a flier - couldn't change my course late last night, and so have lost out to you and Wibbly - still managed to gain 34,000 places (!) overnight though...

I think South Now is good - the people who are in the 'lead' right next to the coast are going to be way down the field soon.


YQUSTA - 16/11/08 at 10:07 AM

^^^^ thats exactly what im banking on.

they have some low wind speed but the distance is alot less time will tell ..........

Hugh_ - 16/11/08 at 12:20 PM

Ah it would appear that sailing a wind angle has very nearly scuppered me. Ho Hum

YQUSTA - 16/11/08 at 12:43 PM

just to remind ourselves

MikeR = WibblyWobbly
stuart_b = stuart_b
chris_smith = smitstar
dave r = angus thermopyle
Omni = Omnipotent
Simon = JacJos
Richard Quinn = Locomille
chrsgrain = chrsgrain
Hammerhead = Hammerhead
Hugh_ = Floating a Loan (and Hugh_ because I temporarily couldnt get onto FaL so setup another!)
jos = fairlady
hobzy = hobzy35

iscmatt - 16/11/08 at 05:20 PM

woo i'm leading the locosters for the first time, we'll see how long that last though!!

Just to update the list with me on it

MikeR = WibblyWobbly
stuart_b = stuart_b
chris_smith = smitstar
dave r = angus thermopyle
Omni = Omnipotent
Simon = JacJos
Richard Quinn = Locomille
chrsgrain = chrsgrain
Hammerhead = Hammerhead
Hugh_ = Floating a Loan (and Hugh_ because I temporarily couldnt get onto FaL so setup another!)
jos = fairlady
hobzy = hobzy35
iscmatt = indyus

dave r - 16/11/08 at 05:46 PM

is the server down ?

YQUSTA - 16/11/08 at 06:41 PM

was but back up

Hugh_ - 16/11/08 at 11:45 PM

Doing rather well arent we this evening YCUSTA? Well done

YQUSTA - 17/11/08 at 08:07 AM

yeah got upto 252 but had to change tack over night.

the fight back now resumes


[Edited on 17/11/08 by YQUSTA]

YQUSTA - 19/11/08 at 01:55 PM

Well now its a race to beat the dead winds comming up and navigating the wind past that.

Good luck all see you on the other side

Nice close racing by the lcb group

chris_smith - 21/11/08 at 06:00 PM

just found this link on the home page glad im not actually out their

thing is the guy at the front see's it comin


[Edited on 21/11/08 by chris_smith]

YQUSTA - 21/11/08 at 06:02 PM

yeah damn right it could have been very bad

iscmatt - 23/11/08 at 04:36 PM

Uh Oh!! do have to pass around the right of that buoy?? cos i am waaayy left of it!

iscmatt - 23/11/08 at 04:38 PM

Originally posted by chris_smith
just found this link on the home page glad im not actually out their

thing is the guy at the front see's it comin


[Edited on 21/11/08 by chris_smith]

i saw that recently too and then i saw this


What even happened!!??

YQUSTA - 23/11/08 at 07:25 PM

yes you have to go right of the buoy

YQUSTA - 23/11/08 at 07:36 PM

what happened

i saw that recently too and then i saw this


What even happened!!??

Omni - 23/11/08 at 07:41 PM

Close race between us!

YQUSTA - 23/11/08 at 07:43 PM

yeah I think I will lose a chunk more ground soon when I hit the low wind.

FAL is of to aus I think

chrsgrain - 24/11/08 at 08:50 AM

Everyone is going to slow down, but hopefully by heading West we'll be able to broad reach into the finish and keep the speed up....

That's the plan anyhow!


dave r - 24/11/08 at 02:39 PM

is it just me, or does everyone else have a lot of people adding them as friends ?

chrsgrain - 24/11/08 at 05:30 PM

Just you - either that or I'm unpopular!


Hugh_ - 24/11/08 at 08:28 PM

FAL is of to aus I think

Last week was manic and the game got forgotten. I had a look at the weekend and was in 70,000th or so so will sit this one out so to speak. The previous time I looked (last tuesday) I was 750th-ish so a bit of a shame, but nevermind, its only a game!

chrsgrain - 24/11/08 at 09:10 PM

Hugh - just turn North, roughly for India, and ignore it for a few days and see what happens...


Hugh_ - 24/11/08 at 09:35 PM

Good call, will give it a go

YQUSTA - 24/11/08 at 11:58 PM

Once again im in the wrong place at the wrong time happened on the first leg.

Not fast enough to beat the bad wind not slow enough to catch up a load of places damn you wind

chrsgrain - 25/11/08 at 12:31 PM

^^^ Me too - lost 5000 places overnight


chrsgrain - 28/11/08 at 09:28 AM

Well done locomille.... a good leg, I will try not to lose 5000 places overnight next time!


Richard Quinn - 28/11/08 at 10:46 AM

Many thanks! More down to luck than good judgement but it was a pretty good race with Omni and interesting weighing up whether it was me or Yqusta that had got it right.
I don't whether it is this next leg or the one after that I will definitely being throwing as I have a couple of work trips to Germany coming up.

Omni - 28/11/08 at 10:51 AM

Good Race Locomille I lost it to you a few nights back when I changed tack thinking the winds changed at Midnight, not realising they changed them at 10pm. LMAO! Oh well. I did get up to under 2000 before that

I am just in a battle with YQUSTA and it is CLOSE!!!


[Edited on 28/11/08 by Omni]

Omni - 28/11/08 at 11:35 AM


Good luck to all others. See you atthe beach party soon..... damn these ladiez are HOT and the beer is very COLD


MikeR - 28/11/08 at 06:58 PM

well i think i'll get 8th this time, very disappointed. Twice i decide to chicken out on my strategy and twice it definitely cost me

Well done those in front and slow down those behind!

Simon - 30/11/08 at 01:24 AM

Damn doldrums

Getting slower and slower at the mo!



PS OOOoooooo 4000 posts!

[Edited on 30/11/08 by Simon]

iscmatt - 1/12/08 at 08:15 PM

Originally posted by Simon
Damn doldrums

Getting slower and slower at the mo!



PS OOOoooooo 4000 posts!

[Edited on 30/11/08 by Simon]

4000 and 1 now!!

I'm just behind you but like you i am slowing! There is a group south of us including hozby that are getting some good speed! Uh Oh!! if it wasn't for the darn slow wind i'd be well finished by now! when does this leg end and the next one start - does anyone know?

Simon - 1/12/08 at 08:20 PM

Details here at bottom of page



YQUSTA - 4/12/08 at 12:11 AM

well done loco and omni 2 great finshing positions.

just waiting for the next leg to start

iscmatt - 11/12/08 at 02:43 AM

Not long to go until the end of leg 2!! looks like tricky little course the next one, there will no doubt be plenty of people hitting land, just hopefully none of us!!

iscmatt - 11/12/08 at 02:45 AM

oh and just thought i would add that this thread nearly equals the last position on the longest running running threads table on the front page!

YQUSTA - 11/12/08 at 08:08 AM

Sweet we will soon bump it up in the next few month's

Next leg starts on the 13th so get your crew out of the hooker bars tomorrow night ready for the off.

Richard Quinn - 11/12/08 at 02:44 PM

don't know whether to even bother with this leg. I'm in Germany for a few days next week and there does seem to be significant opportunity for it all to go horribly wrong on this leg!

YQUSTA - 12/12/08 at 01:27 PM

If you not going away till next week you should be ok.

from what I can tell it will be 1-2 days to the bottom of the island then 3-4 days to the next set of islands.

worth a shot even if you do end up scraping the leg.

as you say I can see alot of problems with this leg.


Stuart_B - 12/12/08 at 02:36 PM

hi all, so whta time does the 3 leg start?


YQUSTA - 12/12/08 at 07:33 PM

10 am I believe

iscmatt - 13/12/08 at 02:20 AM

Hope you all set your alarms for 0955!!! Good luck to everyone for the 3rd leg!

Stuart_B - 13/12/08 at 10:16 AM

i just got back from taking my car to a pre mot, to check all the headlights and emmsions.


dave r - 13/12/08 at 10:17 AM

no free pro sails this time then ?

YQUSTA - 13/12/08 at 11:00 AM

they are free or I have them at least

Richard Quinn - 13/12/08 at 11:11 AM

I can't even get it to log in at the moment!

Stuart_B - 13/12/08 at 11:31 AM

Originally posted by dave r
no free pro sails this time then ?

i can not get them either


Stuart_B - 13/12/08 at 11:34 AM

just tried again, and now i can get them.


dave r - 13/12/08 at 12:52 PM

me too
panic over ;p

MikeR - 13/12/08 at 07:59 PM

well i started late - luckily the computers settings where pretty good. Doing ok so far ..... lets see how it goes.

(just wish the wind changes where something like 7:30am and 7:30pm - make life a lot easier)

Stuart_B - 13/12/08 at 08:19 PM

well i am doing very well, for a

only 2km away from YQUSTA.


chrsgrain - 13/12/08 at 08:36 PM

There's only about 3 miles between 1st and 30,000th! Overnight I guess people will spread out a bit - those who don't sleep will have an advantage - the rest of us will fall behind!


YQUSTA - 13/12/08 at 08:37 PM

I too logged on late about an hour but was surprised to see they got the headding about right lets see how this goes not much room for tactics on this leg from what i can see

MikeR - 14/12/08 at 03:02 PM

eeek, lost about 70,000 places overnight

YQUSTA - 14/12/08 at 04:52 PM


I just got home to find my ship stopped which is just wrong dont know how long its been like that but it is showing the wind as 1 yet im closer to the 17 wind grrrrr.

chrsgrain - 14/12/08 at 07:29 PM

^^^ Yep me too....


YQUSTA - 15/12/08 at 12:05 AM

any of you guys notice something missing?

I'll give you a clue my plan was not to go south of the island..........

Simon - 15/12/08 at 07:04 PM

Race cock-up - restart tomorrow!



YQUSTA - 15/12/08 at 07:55 PM

YUP best thing for it if you ask me

Omni - 15/12/08 at 08:02 PM

Oh FFS!!! They have announced a restart.... so because of a few idiots who didn't read the rules we all suffer!!! THAT IS CRAP! They should only be penalised, not all of us.


chrsgrain - 15/12/08 at 10:16 PM

Problem was - it didn't mention it in the rules - though I would have thought that going North was a much longer way round... ah well....


YQUSTA - 15/12/08 at 10:53 PM

Yeha the problem was all to do with the buoy.

if like me you thought of going north to catch some wind on the way back down then saw the buoy you would change your mind like me.

the whole idea of going north was allowed by the rules just the problem of the buoy which all of a sudden disapeared which ment the guys/gals that went north then had the advantage.

Stuart_B - 16/12/08 at 02:00 PM

i was doing so well. but i has not near a coumputer at the restart, so now i have to make up some ground. and i throught this was going to be a good leg for me


chrsgrain - 16/12/08 at 05:42 PM

Looks like the choice now is between North and South tacks from the restart point - just to let everyone know that South is wrong - bound to be as I've gone that way


YQUSTA - 16/12/08 at 10:08 PM

not as wrong as the way I have been going but I live in hope

eddie99 - 19/12/08 at 01:51 PM

Just signed up... Username is eddie99


eddie99 - 19/12/08 at 01:51 PM

Just signed up... Username is eddie99


eddie99 - 19/12/08 at 01:51 PM

Just signed up... Username is eddie99


eddie99 - 19/12/08 at 01:51 PM

Just signed up... Username is eddie99


YQUSTA - 19/12/08 at 11:55 PM

Welcome on board Eddie

enjoy the wind and good luck

add all of us as friends and join the locosters group

I have added you to my list


chrsgrain - 20/12/08 at 09:37 AM

Looks like most of us are below the lay line - bugger! YQ - you seem to have got it about perfect


MikeR - 20/12/08 at 11:41 AM

i've messed up this leg

Richard Quinn - 20/12/08 at 12:45 PM

Yeah, looks like a few days in Germany really helped me too!

Stuart_B - 20/12/08 at 04:10 PM

welcome ed, i have add you to my friends list.


chrsgrain - 20/12/08 at 06:56 PM

Originally posted by MikeR
i've messed up this leg

Yep - you and me both.... no excuses, just tactical ineptitude!


YQUSTA - 20/12/08 at 09:05 PM

Yeah been doing ok with this heading and I hope to make up a few places with people tacking from the south but I think that will only in the next few hours.

Omni - 21/12/08 at 09:59 AM

OH FFS!!!!! I didn't know there was land under the buoy and I have been stuck on fecking land all night I am 14000 positions down on last night now! I have TOTALLY BLOWN THIS ONE

chrsgrain - 21/12/08 at 10:47 AM

You donated those places to me - so don't feel too bad! I'm now up 13000 from last night, still not doing great, but better than before - this leg has been harder to read than the last 2...


Omni - 21/12/08 at 02:26 PM

24000 now lost I cant get off the damn beach! LMAO!

Oh well.

Stuart_B - 21/12/08 at 04:29 PM

i am in 100000th odd place. DAM
i had to work this morning and missed my tack in, as a paito door need to go in.

ah well, i hope i can get a few places

there is all ways the next


merry christmas

Richard Quinn - 22/12/08 at 04:33 PM

First four have finished now! I'm just losing about 300 places an hour at the moment!

YQUSTA - 22/12/08 at 06:33 PM

None of the virtual guys have finished thats the real race

Richard Quinn - 22/12/08 at 06:57 PM

Wow! That makes me feel so much better!

MikeR - 22/12/08 at 09:46 PM

this is all starting to get a little tight ...... a few miles either side of me are locosters. After thinking i'd really messed up and this had got away from me its now quite close. Hopefully i'll hold 6th (giving me a 2nd, 6th and 6th) but with a fair wind i may get a place or two better......... but if i mess up i could be a place or two worse off.

Oooooh the tension!!!!

chrsgrain - 23/12/08 at 10:49 AM

I've right royally screwed this one up - keep getting stuck in a square with no wind... there's always the next leg I guess.


MikeR - 23/12/08 at 06:19 PM

you're only just behind me Chris ..... I seem to have done rather well the last 24 hours and made up those places. I just hope now i can hold on to 4th place with Chris just 9 miles behind me.

MikeR - 23/12/08 at 10:17 PM

When did the wind start changing at 10pm? I thought it was 11pm !!!!

MikeR - 24/12/08 at 06:15 PM

holy moses, i'm 2nd with chris 1 mile behind me about 100 miles from the finish!!!!!

How close is this now.

Richard Quinn - 24/12/08 at 08:30 PM

I seem to be dragging my own lack of wind round with me at the moment. If we are still sailing tomorrow at about 2.30 after I've had my sprouts be prepared to see something very special!!

chrsgrain - 25/12/08 at 09:55 AM

Well done Mike - I always seem to lose places overnight - guess its because I like my sleep!


MikeR - 25/12/08 at 10:39 PM

Cheers Chris,

I was convinced you where going to get that place off me. I even logged on last night before i went to bed and had a stress over the best direction.

Just glad when i logged on this morning you hadn't overtaken me (yes i was getting competitive at the end).

Simon - 30/12/08 at 01:13 AM

Er, where's Big T going?



Stuart_B - 30/12/08 at 08:48 AM

Originally posted by Simon
Er, where's Big T going?



he is racing himself, to a differnt finshing


Stuart_B - 9/1/09 at 11:20 AM

hi all, so does anybody know what time and date does the next leg start?



YQUSTA - 9/1/09 at 04:55 PM

18th jan

dave r - 18/1/09 at 08:25 AM

the race is back on

eddie99 - 18/1/09 at 10:34 AM

I dont understand this thing about start of a leg, it auto's you until you log on, then does it drop you about 100k places? because i was 8000 and something and within about 30secs i went down to 100k. And im going in the same direction and faster than alot of people so weird....
O well, time to catch up

MikeR - 18/1/09 at 12:15 PM

I was just thinking the same. logged on and i was 10,000 and second place in our group, changed direction so heading more towards the theoretical fastest line (and therefore should move up places) and increased speed by 1 knot and ......... lost thousands and thousands of places.

arrggh... i'm thinking of trying to not lose my life to this game again.

dave r - 18/1/09 at 09:53 PM

iscmatt - 19/1/09 at 02:59 PM

Has the game stopped for anyone else? i opened the bage but it wont load up past 569 KO / 857 KO?

Anyone else having this problem??

YQUSTA - 19/1/09 at 04:18 PM

nope fine for me

Omni - 19/1/09 at 04:35 PM

All works for me

iscmatt - 19/1/09 at 05:55 PM

working now

iscmatt - 24/1/09 at 12:40 PM

Nearly completely bu**erd my chances by not being able to get online yesterday!! what a difference a day makes - i early crashed into a rock

Lost about 25,000 places though

Simon - 24/1/09 at 06:23 PM

Originally posted by dave r




YQUSTA - 25/1/09 at 10:24 AM

I think the next 24h is going to be interesting and a lead change is likly.

The guys to the west of the island will have a slow climb the guys to the east a quicker route.

I hope my choice of going east will work.


iscmatt - 1/2/09 at 05:56 PM

Originally posted by YQUSTA

I hope my choice of going east will work.


And indeed it did!!

YQUSTA - 1/2/09 at 08:41 PM

Yeah it worked out OK.

Lost a few hundred places whilest at work near the end of the race but over all was good.


Richard Quinn - 2/2/09 at 05:12 AM

The last bit of that was a bugger. I ran aground on an island the size of a small pebble and then everytime I logged on after that I'd been headed

MikeR - 2/2/09 at 12:42 PM

I ran around early one - lost best part of 100,000 places.

Had a gentle sail after that, ran aground a second time so am now going east of the island .... means i don't have to log in as much. Oh well..... stuffed this round.

chrsgrain - 2/2/09 at 01:48 PM

I was doing OK at about 5000th, then had to g o to Paris for a 2 day meeting - with no chance to log on - SWMBO did some steering, but still lost 45,000 places!

Finished about 30000th, so did OK in the end.... next leg is loooooooong !!


Stuart_B - 2/2/09 at 07:38 PM

i will soon be finsh, well i hope so any


Simon - 3/2/09 at 12:12 AM


Yeah, very long - at constant 15kts it'll take a month

I was hoping to catch you as you were doing .5knts for the last few hours



YQUSTA - 13/2/09 at 08:55 PM

Next leg starts @ 5am tomorrow

dont think i'll be getting up that early

chrsgrain - 14/2/09 at 05:38 PM

Only just managed to log on - not doing too badly, and its a LONG way to go.... should be a good one though.


YQUSTA - 16/2/09 at 11:12 AM

Its a huge distance but with some down wind sailing this time it should be alot more fun.

MikeR - 17/2/09 at 06:41 PM

Well i'm enjoying it - for the first time ever i'm .... first! (well first in our group and i doubt it will last).

Interesting looking at some of the strategies. Nearly everyone seems to be heading SE at the moment. If the winds don't change we've got a heck of a hack East in a few days / weeks time.

YQUSTA - 17/2/09 at 08:09 PM

It certainly is an interesting leg.

I'm just hoping the wind doesn't change otherwise I will lose what I think is my advantage staying high whilst I could but all good fun whatever happens.

mad4x4 - 4/3/09 at 12:40 PM

Just Joined Boat called Mad4x4

YQUSTA - 4/3/09 at 04:29 PM

I have added you as a friend

MikeR - 4/3/09 at 05:33 PM

Staying high certainly gave you an advantage. I did think of trying it .... but bottled it (why do i always bottled good ideas?)

Now a bit stumped what to do to catch up.

YQUSTA - 4/3/09 at 05:41 PM

It certainly helped just wish I had gone even longer but to bottled it

Its still a long way to the end and with the uncertain wind at the moment any thing can happen.

Simon - 5/3/09 at 12:08 AM

My best position - 8932 ish, currently 40000 ish

Testing my patience somewhat.

Still it's only a game, and it's the taking part that counts



YQUSTA - 5/3/09 at 08:07 AM

8932 ish

YQUSTA - 5/3/09 at 08:11 AM

I have a tornado comming at me this could be fun

Richard Quinn - 10/3/09 at 11:17 AM

That's it! I've given up now. I'm off to Germany for a week tomorrow and, as it has now become more of a chore to fit in than fun now, this is probably the excuse I needed to drop it. Good luck to the rest of you though!

MikeR - 24/3/09 at 09:24 PM

well i'm still at it - although i know what you mean.

Angus - you do realise you're about to go south of a marker you have to go north of?!?

dave r - 24/3/09 at 09:35 PM

i didnt see that one, but not turning back now!

Simon - 25/3/09 at 12:34 AM

Leaders have now finished, reckon I've got another 4 days if wind doesn't pick up.

And they've broken a sail. Yes, they broke it. Consiring to get money from me I suspect

Hoping to catch YQUSTA in the nect couple of days



YQUSTA - 25/3/09 at 08:08 AM

Bloody wind has been getting me good and proper.

Now it's picking back up so I am on the move again time to make up some places again.

40inches - 26/3/09 at 08:41 AM

Entered yesterday as MKnearlyfinished
Are Hammerhead, MKindyus and smitstar in the same boat?

YQUSTA - 26/3/09 at 08:53 AM

Welcome to the race.

No they are not.

They haven't started the leg by the looks of it so they will be placed in the last 20%.

YQUSTA - 10/4/09 at 12:05 PM

race restarts @ 19:00 tomorrow

[Edited on 10/4/09 by YQUSTA]

MikeR - 10/4/09 at 12:11 PM

only finished the other day ..... that was one LONG leg!

Suspect most of the locosters have given up now.

Well done on the last leg, you did very well.

YQUSTA - 10/4/09 at 01:52 PM

Cheers MikeR

I would have been in the top 1000 if it hadn't been for a moving island 1 night but hey ho lifes a b1tch sometimes

omega0684 - 10/4/09 at 10:33 PM

OMG im going to be so far behind, how do i play, ive signed up as omegaboat, ive added everyone but when i go and press play it says that the next leg isn't for another 18 hrs!

can someone invite me to the locostbuilders group as well

[Edited on 10/4/09 by omega0684]

YQUSTA - 11/4/09 at 08:04 AM

Welcome to the fun.

you will start in the same position as every one else at 19:00 hrs tonight.

I cant remember who started the group but it should be near the begining of the thread just send them a u2u.

omega0684 - 11/4/09 at 07:58 PM

how do you play it, my screen doesn't actually seem to be doing anything, can someone explain it for me

YQUSTA - 11/4/09 at 08:39 PM

Right to start off with this is a real time race.

what you should see is your boat next to Rio.

All the little arrows are the wind, you may need to zoom in to see them.

each wind has its own speed and direction. if you hover over an arrow it will tell you its speed.

the wind will change every 12 hrs

on the right hand side there are the 12,24 and 36 hour wind's these are a guide but may not be what the wind will actually be as the wind for each 12 hours period is taken from the real life winds charts for the area.

the route is shown by the dotted orange line. you do NOT have to follow this line but MUST pass any buoy's on the same side as the line.(there is only 1 on this leg)

you have a load of sails to choose from I have never used the first and last from the bottom row.

what you must decide is where you want to be/go to catch the next wind.

each sail will work slightly different at different angles so play about and see what works best for the direction you want to go v's the speed you will get from the sails.


omega0684 - 12/4/09 at 08:10 PM

where are you guys in the race im currently 45889th

YQUSTA - 12/4/09 at 09:59 PM

i'm currently pi55ed off with running aground when I clearly was no where near the land. looks like alot of peeps on the forum have had the same issue. restart here we come I think.

currently 31964

MikeR - 12/4/09 at 10:15 PM

i'm 150,000 ish. ..... not run aground just got 0mph wind

omega0684 - 13/4/09 at 11:17 AM

haha ive made up 4000 odd places over night!
now at 41208

how do you earn credits to buy stuff?

[Edited on 13/4/09 by omega0684]

MikeR - 13/4/09 at 03:26 PM

you don't earn them - you pay cash for them, the beer tokens the spend on a friday night in the pub.

or you do like the rest of us and make do

hellbent345 - 13/4/09 at 03:32 PM

im hellbent, didnt even get to finish the last leg, but im now doddering along in 27000 or so having made a bad choice to follow the coastline lol, the wind is only 10km compared to what every1 esle is riding further out 25km or so how did the leaders get 160km on me already!

bone - 5/5/09 at 11:14 PM

hi stuart iam on here as well dembones just gioing to walk the plank now though hahaha

twybrow - 16/6/09 at 08:46 PM

I thought not I am on the road, I might as well start something new.... So I just joined up, as Wibb20. No idea what I am doing yet, but I thought it was time to break out my sea legs!

MikeR - 16/6/09 at 09:05 PM

hmmm, i used to do so well at this game, was doing really well until i ran aground (first time).

well i've been with it since Gibraltar, i'm not quitting now.

(bit like building the damned car)

MikeR - 11/8/09 at 11:05 AM

by the way, i think i finished 2nd in the locost group - but only cause i didn't give up plus had a couple of good results in the early legs.

(also this is a blatant attempt to keep this second "longest" running thread alive)

iscmatt - 15/11/09 at 08:02 PM

I take it everyone is done with this game! I did about 4 races and then gave up!!

MikeR - 16/11/09 at 07:24 AM

yep - finished months ago

mad4x4 - 22/4/10 at 08:42 AM

Believe a New race is starting......

40inches - 22/4/10 at 10:46 AM

I'm doing the Clipper Round The World

iscmatt - 29/1/11 at 11:05 AM

Anybody playing this time around?

40inches - 29/1/11 at 05:51 PM

I'm doing the Velux.