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Anybody heard of Haltech ecu?
tomgregory2000 - 2/6/09 at 09:19 PM

As above.
Are they any good?
How easy to set up and so on?


scootz - 2/6/09 at 09:26 PM

Yep... huge in Oz!

World leaders in 'Rotary' engine tech.

Antnicuk - 2/6/09 at 09:44 PM

as above

l0rd - 2/6/09 at 10:06 PM

Have heard that are VG

clutch_kick - 2/6/09 at 10:47 PM

Yepp excellent ECU.

rick q - 2/6/09 at 11:31 PM

Yep - plenty of us run them over here.

They do everything they need to (and a lot more for the "larger" ones). But with all ECU's, it's only as good as the bloke who knows how to tune it. If there's no one near you who knows them, you might have some difficulties.

I run an E8 on a Toyota Silvertop.

bimbleuk - 3/6/09 at 02:05 AM

Go to and search the archives for references. They are OZ based and I remember they had several articles with the Haltech ECU involved. They do seem to be a very capable ECU rivaling the OMEX 710 for features (which has loads) on the higher models.