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C20LET Calibra Redtop,anyone got one fitted?
laptoprob - 16/5/11 at 08:44 PM

hi there,

just about to take the plunge and fit one of these to my Tiger Avon.

Has anyone got any pics to show the install??

Have you used the original ecu or aftermarket etc?


MsD - 16/5/11 at 08:54 PM

Well worth a read!

FASTdan - 17/5/11 at 10:09 AM

Originally posted by MsD

Well worth a read!


laptoprob - 17/5/11 at 08:58 PM

Been in touch with the guy on email. Really helpful bloke.

Absolute dogs b**x build but at a very large price.

He sold it over six months ago;(

Slutters - 17/5/11 at 10:22 PM

I was going to use this engine in mine but the cost of the LETs are so high, better looking for a Saab enigne stronger engine and easily tunable!

Slutters - 17/5/11 at 10:22 PM

To the tune of 400BHP without opening her up!

westy turbo - 18/5/11 at 06:02 AM

Did it on my westy,LET me know if need any help

laptoprob - 18/5/11 at 06:48 AM

Thanks for the U2U Aris, no doubt i`ll be in touch.