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XE Megajolt Trigger Wheel?
SALAD - 2/5/12 at 06:48 PM

What have you XE chaps done regarding the crank pulley and trigger wheel for megajolt?

Standard pulley?
Alloy pulley?
Single V?

Welded trigger wheel on?
Bolted on?

qwerty_100 - 2/5/12 at 07:14 PM

I have been thinking about this to I can,t weld it on the front pulley as it is multigroved and will damage rubber so I thought. If I take the six bolts out that mount the inner and outer pully together make a boss to sit on the front and use longer bolts to hold it all together this will keep the trigger whee labout 25mm from groved pulley if that makes sense. One of my concerns is would this cause the pulley to be out of balance and cause issues later on any advise welcome. Kev

nige - 3/5/12 at 02:10 PM

i had my grooved pulley machined down to a step to allow the trigger wheel to slip on
was alittle concerned about welding but just put 4 small tacks on and cooled after each tack
seems to have worked a treat

blakep82 - 3/5/12 at 02:29 PM

i've got an XEV engine, with a multi groove pulley which is attached to the timing belt pulley with 4x M8 bolts, all i did was get a special trigger cut to my design, with 4 holes for the bolts to pass through, and a few extra holes to allow water and stuff out.
its good, but doesn't quite centre itself perfectly, so i will get about 1mm band removed by lathe to the pulley sits in this band to help centre everything.

also, i have the sensor pointing at the back of the trigger, helps keep the timing right, even if the trigger isn't perfectly centred

you can sort of get the idea about the bolts here

any use? or is there something i've done really wrong that needs pointing out? lol
my only worry is if the belt snaps for any reason, i lose my crank sensor, but how likely is that going to happen?

[Edited on 3/5/12 by blakep82]

SALAD - 3/5/12 at 09:06 PM

I did think of using the original double V pulley and attach a trigger wheel to it, either careful welding or bolting, but the pulley will have a redundant V where the power steering belt was and be unnecessary.
That could be altered to be the trigger wheel I suppose.....

Or get a lighter alloy pulley and bolt a trigger wheel which case I've answered my own question.

Just wondered what other XE users have used.

SALAD - 4/5/12 at 03:51 PM

Has anyone used a double V pulley and converted the redundant front V into a trigger wheel?

How thick do the teeth need to be for megajolt?

Edit: Found this, could be useful:

[Edited on 4/5/12 by SALAD]