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Gear Indicator
Brackers - 29/7/13 at 08:45 PM

Hi does anyone have any advice for installing a gear indicator for a fireblade. No idea if you can buy off shelf or what's really involved?


luke2152 - 29/7/13 at 09:26 PM

I've wired two datatool ones in - to a triumph and a suzuki. The universal fit one was around £40 and plug and play around £70. Pretty straight forward install if you know what wire gives speedo and tacho signals. Once installed it needs calibration which I did on the road but is best done with the back end off the ground as it requires shifting up through the gears and earthing a wire it to tell it when you are in each gear. Its actually quite temperamental on calibration and took a lot of tries to get it right (traffic doesn't help because you have to keep accelerating in each gear until it tells you to change or else you have to start again). Once its done its done trouble free and you'll wonder how you lived without it.

Can't comment on other brands - there are some bargain asian copies on ebay but a lot of them only do 5 gears.

matt_gsxr - 29/7/13 at 11:40 PM

No idea how the Fireblade gets it neutral signal but on a gsxr1100 it closes a circuit when the gear selector is at a particular angle.

Not very difficult to add additional contacts associated with 1,2,3,4,5 and then a few diode and a 7 segment LED display and a bit of soldering.

Works really well, it means I don't spend my life counting to 5 and can use the rev counter as a speedo (4th, 1000rpm = 10mph) with confidence.


Neadles - 30/7/13 at 01:14 PM

It depends on where your getting your feeds from and which fireblade? Is it the inject newer blade or an older Carb version?

Brackers - 30/7/13 at 04:32 PM

cheers guys - its the older blade engine with carbs - I will check the datatool one. Assume they have a site.

IanG1 - 30/7/13 at 07:29 PM

I fitted one of the cheap ebay jobs that work off a magnet attached to the selector shaft passing a pair of reed switches.
Works well just a bit of a fiddle to make a bracket and set it up.
Some pics here

Brackers - 31/7/13 at 04:20 PM

Cheers Ian will prob give that a go for a starter!

IanG1 - 31/7/13 at 05:06 PM

No worries mate, looks like you ain't that far from me if you get stuck and need help?

Brackers - 31/7/13 at 09:32 PM

Cheers. Was going to mention that. I'm in Beeston. You?

IanG1 - 1/8/13 at 06:48 AM

Not far at all then, just over the border on Long Eaton LOL

IanG1 - 1/8/13 at 06:48 AM

Originally posted by IanG1
Not far at all then, just over the border in Long Eaton LOL

Brackers - 1/8/13 at 12:11 PM

Blimey since you know then, I'm just up from depot corner. Should meet up some time.

IanG1 - 1/8/13 at 04:10 PM

Lol inlaws like just off baskin lane so know it well mate.

Brackers - 1/8/13 at 05:36 PM

C u round soon then. Where abouts in long eaton?