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donors sierra/scorpio?
kyanther - 6/7/07 at 09:57 AM

ive got hold of an old wide westfield chassis and am trying to sort the suspention out front and rear. can anyone please help with the following?
1, is the rear track of the sierra and bug eyed scorpio different if so by how much? if they are are the drive shafts interchangable?
2,will the hubs off the scorp bug eyed cossie 4stud fit the cortina uprights or the sierra's?
3,will the mushrooms fitted to the sierra uprights fit the scorps?

ADD - 6/7/07 at 11:51 AM

I can answer a couple,

1, don't know sorry,
2, Nope, different geometry and 5 stud,
3, nope these have to be larger - I had some made up to fit. But since sold so can't measure them.


kyanther - 9/7/07 at 11:31 AM

my bug eyed cosworth bob engine is 4 stud?