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Prop shaft - manufacturers
BigGeoff - 30/3/15 at 06:46 PM

I am nearing the stage where I need to get a prop shaft made. I'm in North Kent near Rochester - can anyone recommend a manufacturer that's fairly close i.e. less than 20 miles or so from my home ?

Dick - 30/3/15 at 06:54 PM

Aghabridge on Medway city ind est phone number is 01634 294994 should able to help you out

BigGeoff - 30/3/15 at 06:58 PM

cool that 5 mins down the road ! - thanks

luke2152 - 30/3/15 at 06:59 PM

Mike at autoprop in sussex has just made mine this week. Super fast service. I haven't picked it up yet so can't comment on the job yet.

[Edited on 30/3/15 by luke2152]

owelly - 30/3/15 at 07:01 PM

These guys have made and modified a few propshafts for me. Very good service and a good price.