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Sierra rear diff, driveshafts and drum brakes
Northy - 18/4/09 at 10:49 AM

Std Sierra rear diff (non slippy - clean and painted up)), driveshafts (rusty on the ends - not sure if they'll be any good now or not) and rear disk brake bits (generally painted up and in average condition).

These have been stored in the greenhouse for a while!

Can get pics if anyone is interested?


hobzy - 18/4/09 at 11:41 AM


Northy - 22/4/09 at 07:56 AM

What's the most std one? Is it 3.62 or something like that? I think that's what it is.

Are they of use to anyone?

Northy - 6/5/09 at 04:03 PM


Northy - 29/1/11 at 11:49 AM

Still got this sat in the shed if it's any use to anyone, I'd like the space back.


DIY Si - 29/1/11 at 06:35 PM

How much are you after for the lot?

Northy - 30/1/11 at 10:22 AM

Here are some pictures if found of the stuff before it went into the shed and got a little rusty Everything is still in good condition apart from some surface rust on the ends of the driveshafts that slot into the diff - would still be usable though IMHO if cleaned off.

Everything was cleaned and painted before they went in my car, new rubber covers on the driveshafts, new brake cylinders, new rear shoes, new handbrake cable.

Did a summer in my car then I replaced with limited slip rear diff and disks.

£30 gets it all. I'm in Malton, North Yorkshire - Half way between York and Scarborough.

handyandy - 30/1/11 at 10:38 AM

yes please 1st dibs


Sorry, that was very rude of me...... may I have dibs if forum member DIY Si doesn,t want the parts.....sorry DIY Si

[Edited on 30/1/11 by handyandy]

DIY Si - 1/2/11 at 10:37 AM

It's ok, I don't think I'll be able to go and get them, so they're yours if you still want them.