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Laptop for the garage
carpmart - 22/5/14 at 04:11 PM

Just after a cheapie laptop for the garage. Needs to be able to run a browser (Chrome) and display pdf's, that is retty much the only requirements I have.

Did I mention I could do with it being cheap.

So, what have you got chaps and chapesses?


garybee - 22/5/14 at 05:06 PM

I have an old Acer laptop that would be fine for that. It has a DVD drive, floppy drive, USB ports etc. It is wireless via a PCMCIA card and runs Windows xp. Yours for £20 + postage. Can look up the spec if you're interested.

I also have a 10.1" android tablet that would be really good as a garage PDF 'manual'. Brought back from Dubai as impulse purchase but not really used it. Has front/rear cameras, dual core processor, 8 Gig ram etc. Yours for £50 including postage.

steve m - 22/5/14 at 05:58 PM

I also have an Acer I the garage, and would recommend you don't do it !




carpmart - 24/5/14 at 04:25 PM

Sorted now chaps as I bought this

Cheers for the replies