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Wanted... Registered Locost project car... Any condition considered...
bubbagump0 - 9/9/14 at 07:43 PM

Hi All

I am currently looking for a registered locost project car... I am sure these are a rare thing but I am very open minded re condition and am sure that someone on this great site must have knowledge of one for sale or even has one in bits in their garage that they would like to reclaim space for in exchange for money.

I am ideally looking for a book built 1300cc ford job, correctly registered as a locost of any age even on a Q plate, so that mainly daddy and sometimes his daughter can tinker to our hearts are content in the garage with a lower initial outlay. (To my wife's dismay and the decorating's downfall)

I am happy to consider anything between 1300cc to 2000cc with a ford donor build and I am more than happy to collect even if stripped to it's chassis and stored in boxes with mice eaten seats, blown gear box and seized engine. (Love a challenge and more interested that it is correctly registered with a V5)

I am sure people are getting the picture that I am looking for a cheap project car to put back on the road. Finances are tight hence realistically anything more than £1500 would stop me in my tracks. I am really looking for cheaper options in getting a locost that in time can be restored to road going glory.

I am located just outside of Brighton on the South Coast but would consider collection from most UK locations if price was right and I am Looking forward to replies with finger crossed...

Kind Regards


[Edited on 10/9/14 by bubbagump0]

jossey - 10/9/14 at 07:41 AM

bill132hotrod - 10/9/14 at 08:49 AM

I was scanning kits on the bay last night and there are a fair few on there at the mo might be worth a Ganda.