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whos is this
mangogrooveworkshop - 27/7/05 at 09:46 PM

Fozzie - 27/7/05 at 09:52 PM

Err, I think its SteveO's


bob - 27/7/05 at 10:44 PM

ITs a very nice car and someone will get a bargain there

SteveO - 27/7/05 at 11:12 PM

Yes its mine, i was exspecting my Indy to be snapped up quickly for 5G's but seems like the world outside the kitcar community aren't aware of the Indy thrill.
shame though i've had to start a new bid at 4G's no reserve to see what response I get.


Jon Ison - 27/7/05 at 11:18 PM

try piston heads kit car forum, often people on there looking for 7 type cars for that sort of money, yours looks nice, should sell.

nick205 - 28/7/05 at 06:37 AM

OT Steve, but did MK supply the bonnet trim togo around the exhaust cut-out?

Nice looking buildby the way!
