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2 track mixer
bi22le - 3/11/12 at 01:41 AM

Hi all,

So, I was 30 in sept and due to being busy me and my wife are celibrating next week. I can list a million a one songs and i know music but can i mix. . . . no because there is no free software or method. can anybody help?

I have Software music and just want to mix music. saved or you tube, how can i pre or live mix it????

blakep82 - 3/11/12 at 02:03 AM

set up a playlist on youtube, and it'll play one after the other

or do you mean like DJ mixing? if so there's a few free mixing things, there's traktor
with a free demo

or try one of these

or any audio editing program you can place all the tracks you want in one file
looked up something like audacity which i think is free, and should work, but will make a VERY big file

or this

loads of options, but really depends if you want to be DJ for the night, or just have something playing 1 track after another, or something doing all the mixing for you and playing tracks without gaps between

whatever you do, get some electro rave rangers off soundcloud too... ;-)

bi22le - 3/11/12 at 10:31 AM

Ill check out your links, thanks.

I would like to drop all the songs into a list and it mixes them together. i dont really want to fo it live, but if an option then it could be fun.

I was drunk when i did OP. Can you tell?!?