posted on 24/6/12 at 02:51 PM |
Jenvey Multi Throttle Bodies & MBE 956 ECU Issues
Hi all,
I having a few issues with my Jenvey Throttle Bodies (2 twin bodies same as MT196 SBD kit) and MBE 956 ECU.
I am struggling to find much information, I have all the throttle bodies balanced and TPS set perfect (Confirmed in Easimap).
My first issue is the Coolant temp sensor reads 90 degrees with connector disconnected and 130 degrees when connected and I cannot find how to
calibrate this?
My second issue is that the base map i have is a TP208 base map and is way off and fueling is way way out (8-9 AFR on idle) and smokes, stinks, bogs
down and uses fuel like no tomorrow. I cannot seem to find the suitable MT196 base map anywhere?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks and best regards,
posted on 24/6/12 at 04:03 PM |
Hi Nick and welcome to the mad house . Have you tried reducing the fuel gain a little? That might get things running a bit sweeter until you can map
it properly.
Regarding the coolant sensor, is it an approved sensor or an aftermarket one?
[Edited on 24-6-12 by RazMan]
When thinking outside the box doesn't work any more, it's time to build a new box
posted on 24/6/12 at 04:16 PM |
Have you set the butterflys on the tb's correctly and also the initial setting on the TPS ?
The TPS setting will be in the map and can be viewed in easimap
What fuel pressure are you running ?
When you initially view the live screen the air temp sensor and coolant temp sensor should be within a few degrees of each other
Double check the wiring on the coolant temp sensor
If the coolant temp sensor is reading wrong it will never run right
[Edited on 24/6/12 by perksy]
[Edited on 24/6/12 by perksy]
posted on 24/6/12 at 04:22 PM |
Hi Raz,
Thanks for the welcome.
I could try reducing the fuel gain, it is currently set at 74 i think (i will double check)?
I think the problem i am having with the Coolant temp sensor stems from the ECU been originaly from a 1.8 Zetec Westfield and i am running a Vauxhall
blue temp sensor (the correct type for the C20XE).
I would like to try a 1.8 Zetec temp sensor but i cannot find any details on the correct type?
Many thanks, Nick
posted on 24/6/12 at 04:59 PM |
Hi Perksy,
Thanks for the reply.
I have balanced the throttle bodies as per SBD spec sheet (Bleed screws in, start engine, adjust each to the highest reading (5kp/hr).
Then set the TPS at 0.25v, screwed the throttle stop screw clockwise till 0.30v, started the engine and screwed the throttle stop clockwise till 0.37v
as per instructions and throttle index map (0.0 = 0.37). Easimap shows that the tps is 0.37v and tps site is 0.0 at idle.
Fuel pressure is set at 50psi with engine running.
The intake temp is reading somewhat correct but the coolant temp reads totally wrong, when unpluged it reads 90 degrees! I have tried different
sensors (Same blue C20XE type) and still the same.
The coolant temp wiring seems correct also (ECU Pin 8 - coolant signal and ECU pin 1 - coolant plug ground).
As per my last post, I think the problem i am having with the Coolant temp sensor stems from the ECU been originaly from a 1.8 Zetec Westfield.
posted on 24/6/12 at 08:33 PM |
Easimap4 doesn't give you access to the sensor calibration for either the water or air temp (but they are in there). It's fairly standard
for the default fault settings (ie, disconnected) for the water temp to be set at 90 deg, but if it's showing 130 when connected you just need
to calibrate it (assuming the sender is ok).
The way to do it is save your chip file from the ecu, and open it in Easimap5 using a 967 ecu config file. You can't edit it live because
easimap5 won't comunicate with 956ecu, but you can edit the calibration curve in easimap5, save it and reload into your 956 ecu with easimap4.
First put a volt meter across the temp sensor and make a note of the voltages from between cold to hot at various temperatures and use that for
calibration (the map uses volts/deg which is an exponential curve).
Easimap 5 will need to be in 'Master' profile setting to access it, which is password protected.....password is 'Maximum'
Sounds complicated, but it's simples
If you don't want to do it that way, open the .ecc chip file in an eprom editor, the water temp calibration is at 6B00 to 6B0F, but you need to
convert the 16 set points into hex which is more messing about than the above method.
posted on 24/6/12 at 08:36 PM |
Ian your a star!
I am now going to have a play.
Thank you
posted on 24/6/12 at 10:39 PM |
I knew that 
When thinking outside the box doesn't work any more, it's time to build a new box
posted on 25/6/12 at 07:42 AM |
Also worth doing a quick check of the water temp settings (easimap4 gives you these). Have a look at;-
maps- configuration maps- analogue inputs- upper limits- coolant temp......which should be around 127deg
maps- configuration maps- analogue inputs- lower limits- coolant temp......which should be around -25deg
maps- configuration maps- analogue inputs- upper default- coolant temp......which should be around 90deg
maps- configuration maps- analogue inputs- lower default- coolant temp......which should be around 90deg
They're just ball park settings, but are pretty much the normal settings.
Basically it just means that any temp reading outside -25 to 127deg (sensor disconnected, or a wiring fault) defaults to 90deg which is a normal a
running temp area so the car is still drivable.
posted on 25/6/12 at 12:29 PM |
Thanks Ian i will double check these now.
Quick update on the coolant temp sensor problems:
When the ignition is turned on (Engine not started), the Air temp reads 11 Degrees and the Coolant temp reads 101 Degrees (Obviously 11 Degrees above
90 which makes it the same temperature as the Air Temp).
When I plug another Coolant Temp sensor into the loom but not in the engine it reads 104 degrees, when placed in a cup of boiling water (From the
kettle so approx 99 degrees) the temperature starts to increase rapidly up until it reaches 130 degrees in which it stops and after a few seconds
turns to 90 degrees up until the coolant temp sensor is removed from the water and left to cool then it slowly starts dropping back down from 130
degrees to around 104 degrees.
posted on 25/6/12 at 01:11 PM |
That confirms that the settings are about right and under/over limits are both at 90deg.
The ecu scaleing/calibration is wrong for the sensor (or has been changed in the past to suit an odd sensor). Do the volt meter, thermometer, cup of
water...results into easimap5.
The break points are- 0v, 0v31, 0v63, 0v94, 1v25, 1v56, 1v88, 2v19, 2v5, 2v81, 3v13, 3v44, 3v75, 4v06, 4v38 and 4v69
All you need to know is what the temperature is at each voltage point(obviously whilst connected to the ecu), eg 1v88 = 58deg, 2v19 = 48deg etc
If you e-mailed me your chipfile, i can have a quick look, it only takes 30 seconds to check everythings in the ball park.
posted on 25/6/12 at 01:36 PM |
Thanks Ian.
I have sent a copy to your email.
Many thanks