posted on 8/10/13 at 10:42 PM |
It's bl***y started
Sorry in advance to all those who love Christmas.
Just seen a Christmas advert, Morrissons, Costco have decorations in and the cards have appeared in shops.
It's fecking three months away, quarter of a year and it's bloody started
It winds me up every year, by the time it actually arrives I'm so pi55ed off I want to hide.
In fact, last year I did, went to a remote house in rural France, stayed in for two days and ignored it completely.
For the record : I have very little family left, no children and am not religious so have no interest in the event at all.
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.................Douglas Adams.
posted on 8/10/13 at 10:50 PM |
Proportion is Everything
posted on 8/10/13 at 10:53 PM |
quote: Originally posted by NigeEss
Sorry in advance to all those who love Christmas.
Just seen a Christmas advert, Morrissons, Costco have decorations in and the cards have appeared in shops.
It's fecking three months away, quarter of a year and it's bloody started
It winds me up every year, by the time it actually arrives I'm so pi55ed off I want to hide.
In fact, last year I did, went to a remote house in rural France, stayed in for two days and ignored it completely.
For the record : I have very little family left, no children and am not religious so have no interest in the event at all.
I'm with ya fella, I look, walk away shaking me head...
1972 V8 Jago
1980 Z750
posted on 8/10/13 at 10:54 PM |
^^^^+1 !
It is no longer a religious festival, just a money making date for the shops. ANY before the 1st of December is just sheer profiteering !
I could rant about this for hours !
good on you NigeEss for reminding us of the in greed in our society
[Edited on 8/10/13 by slingshot2000]
posted on 8/10/13 at 10:58 PM |
You're interested enough to make this thread about it though
Meh, I'm not a big fan of christmas, but I don't pay attention to adverts, so I don't mind too much
IVA manual link
don't write OT on a new thread title, you're creating the topic, everything you write is very much ON topic!
posted on 9/10/13 at 12:35 AM |
Can I come with you this year please?
I'm quiet, can cook and don't mind a drop off red wine either.
I feckin' detest Xmas
posted on 9/10/13 at 03:40 AM |
My Missus bought Christmas cards last night FFS
ACE Cafe - Just say No.
posted on 9/10/13 at 05:24 AM |
You're already late for xmas dude, our local Sainsbury's had their stock out last month! I'm 99% sure it replaced the 'back to
school' range...
posted on 9/10/13 at 06:20 AM |
quote: Originally posted by trikerneil
My Missus bought Christmas cards last night FFS
Mine bought them in Jan as they're much cheaper then. She's far more organised than me!
Mr Whippy
posted on 9/10/13 at 06:31 AM |
One of the things I do at work is maintain the holiday tracker and last month stuck a live countdown on the bottom just to wind them up not many
weeks to go really

posted on 9/10/13 at 06:43 AM |
The backbiting at work as people fight to take time off is always good fun.
A colleague at work (who also detests the way it has just turned into a profit target for the shops) has suggested we scrap the annual Christmas and
only have it every four years, like the Olympics. Gets my vote!
"No, you can't lick the system; but you can give it a damn good fondling."
posted on 9/10/13 at 06:50 AM |
What a bunch of tightass miserable gits!
It's gonna happen so make the best of it
Mr Whippy
posted on 9/10/13 at 07:00 AM |
Although it is now all about shops making money and few in this country actually celebrate it for its original reason I look at as just a nice time to
spend a few days with family and friends.
We all agreed a few years ago to make life a lot easier and cheaper so I buy each person one gift max spend £30 and they have to tell me what they
want before hand, simple as that. Everyone gets exactly what they wanted and no trailing round shops looking for something to get them. For the kids
we just get them some nice toys. Last year cost me just over £200 which isn't bad going, I hear folk literally spending thousands which is just
[Edited on 9/10/13 by Mr Whippy]
posted on 9/10/13 at 07:15 AM |
quote: Originally posted by mds167
scrap the annual Christmas and only have it every four years, like the Olympics. Gets my vote!
What a great idea
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.................Douglas Adams.
posted on 9/10/13 at 07:24 AM |
I love christmas, but this is really my least favourite time of year football and x-factor/pop idol/come dancing.............
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posted on 9/10/13 at 07:28 AM |
posted on 9/10/13 at 07:28 AM |
I spotted the first xmas trees a month ago.
[I] “ What use our work, Bennet, if we cannot care for those we love? .”
― From BBC TV/Amazon's Ripper Street.
posted on 9/10/13 at 07:59 AM |
I can't be doing with all the junk that goes with Christmas but there are some positives:
They have a brass band down at one of the local pubs a few days before (who can argue with that?!!!)...
There's a free pint to be had on the actual day in the other local pub...
The roads are VERY quiet on the morning itself - fantastic chance to get a couple of hours in on my bike before refuelling with a LARGE feed in the
So as long as you can ignore the 3 month build up - I think it has a lot going for it...
posted on 9/10/13 at 10:01 AM |
Nobody HAS to buy Christmas stuff in October. It'll still be there in December.
Cool it: go for a drive
I'm addicted to brake fluid, but I can stop anytime.
posted on 9/10/13 at 02:30 PM |
Xmas stuff is always in early in Costco but they've usually sold out well before xmas.
But why the main shops are stocking up already I dont get nor do I get why they are stocking xmas puddings with a best before date thats well before
Sainsbury's have hot cross buns on sale ARRGGGhhh!!!!
Never under estimate the ingenuity of an idiot!
posted on 9/10/13 at 03:31 PM |
I'm going to fly some where warm and foreign.
Like nigess I have zero family or kids and I'm a Jedi
So this Xmas crap has zero meaning to me.
Hell when I lived in the Southern Hemisphere we sat on the beach for the day
Money money money that's its aim
posted on 9/10/13 at 03:33 PM |
There is a house in Hull that has a Xmas tree up
posted on 9/10/13 at 04:11 PM |
quote: Originally posted by jps
The roads are VERY quiet on the morning itself - fantastic chance to get a couple of hours in on my bike before refuelling with a LARGE feed in the
Not near me!! The motorways are quiet, but every man and his dog seems to be out and about, I've regularly been stuck in traffic while visiting
David Jenkins
posted on 9/10/13 at 05:59 PM |
I don't acknowledge Christmas until 1st December - I won't shop for it, make any plans, or even discuss it! (damn! that's one rule
broken already... )