posted on 18/8/20 at 11:32 AM |
VIN stamp confirmation
Hello all,
I've been trying to follow the DLVA process where "a franchised dealer or local garage must stamp the DVLA VIN on the chassis or frame of
the vehicle and complete the declaration". The problem is that no one will help!!
I spoke to a few garages here on the South Coast and the response always tends to be "don't know anything about that, can't you ask
someone else who does that sort of thing?". My nearest garage (10 minute walk away) at first said "can't you ask your local
garage?" I finally managed to persuade a garage to help, but they said they wanted to look into it first... After a couple of weeks,
they finally spoke to the DVLA, who told them the garage has to stamp the VIN number in themselves. The garage told me "we don't have
the equipment for that". I told them I'd done the stamp already myself and they just had to confirm it for me! But they weren't
interested, so I'm back to square one.
How the hell does anyone get a garage to help? For them, it's literally looking at the stamp I've done on the chassis and signing a form,
it'll take about a minute. I'm about to apply for IVA and this is now turning into a showstopper
posted on 18/8/20 at 12:27 PM |
What about asking a Kit Car manufacturer? GBS would be worth a call?
Mr Whippy
posted on 18/8/20 at 02:19 PM |
Could you get this in writing from the DVLA? I can understand the garages reluctance to do it if they know nothing about the process and it's
just some random guy turning up asking them to authorise a new VIN number, I'm sure I'd refuse too (had I not known what you are talking
posted on 18/8/20 at 03:03 PM |
The DVLA obviously want it done properly by a garage. But as a car builder, you are also a 'garage' so get some steel strips about 120mm
long and have a few practice attempts to do the stamping. After the first one asses the gaps and depth of stamp marked in to make sure it looks good,
also, make sure you have included ALL of the digits unlike me. Then get it welded in by someone with a welder. Once you have the IVA you can drive
it to your friendly garage to get them to stamp the form and fill it in showing they can guarantee it's done properly.
Obviously you do need a friendly garage to have the business stamp to show the DVLA the chassis number is done correctly.
posted on 19/8/20 at 06:58 AM |
Just get creative - DVLA will not check up - most put it on themselves - stamp a plate and weld it on - then get someone who works in a petrol station
- is a mechanic (amateur of course) - or be even more creative - to sign the form - create a stamp on word and print alongside signature - etc etc
posted on 19/8/20 at 11:48 AM |
Thanks for the replies, chaps. To clarify, the stamp is already on the car. My problem is just that no one will help will by signing the form. I
did show them the DVLA paperwork and the garage even called the DVLA, but they still don't want to get involved... 
posted on 19/8/20 at 12:28 PM |
I printed out the requirements from the DVLA letter and went to my local garage.
Showed him the VIN plate and the chassis stamping and and that it corresponded with the letter.
Out came the 3 other mechanics plus the woman from the office and they all had a nose.
He wrote out on headed paper that it did match and used the MOT embossing clamp on the bottom and signed it.
Charged me £10
Pre IVA he did the MOT brake test on the car and said that if it had been a real MOT he would have passed it.
He is now the one who MOT's it each year. (Does my tin top as well)
Paul G
posted on 19/8/20 at 12:42 PM |
Thanks, 907. So you trailered it down there? As I'm pre-IVA, obviously I can't take it on the road and seemed a lot of hassle with
trailer just to get it quickly looked at. I invited them to my garage (offered to drive them over in my daily car), but again not interested. Maybe
if I still get nowhere, I will contact the garages again and offer to trailer the car to their door to make it as easy as possible for them!
posted on 19/8/20 at 12:48 PM |
Don't forget, the dealer stamp of approval you need is just for the registration process, not for the IVA test.
posted on 19/8/20 at 12:59 PM |
Hi Deckman, I'm afraid the DVLA letter says this has to be done before IVA
posted on 19/8/20 at 02:02 PM |
Hi ya, yes, so as to make sure your car has the chassis number fitted before the IVA test, and then send back the signed and stamped form once you
have the gleaming pass cert.
I can't see anywhere on the IVA application where you have to send off or show the chassis stamp form before the IVA or at the time of it, as
they just check that the info is the same.
posted on 19/8/20 at 02:11 PM |
I think this is how it operates.
You apply for a VIN. (or make up your own, or kit makers number)
DVLA grant a VIN and want it stamped on the car and witnessed.
DVLA send whatever details they have (inc VIN) to the IVA station. (Norwich in my case)
IVA inspector checks paperwork against the engine number & VIN on the car.
Then (in my case) he fails it for the side repeaters not being visible to a cat that you just nearly ran over.
Paul G
posted on 19/8/20 at 02:12 PM |
where in the south are you located?
Mr Whippy
posted on 19/8/20 at 04:39 PM |
so is there any rules regarding the vin number? things like length, has to contain numbers, no rude words...?? is there a guide?
[Edited on 19/8/20 by Mr Whippy]
posted on 19/8/20 at 07:16 PM |
17 digits, 0 (zero) but not O ('ozes, as in the 2 Ronnies joke)
1 (one) & I (eye), but I can't remember which way round.
If you don't request anything it will start with DVLA
Paul G
posted on 19/8/20 at 09:00 PM |
Hi all, I got this from the DVLA letter in which they sent me a new VIN number for the car. It's very clear that I need to do this before IVA.
ttalps2000, I'm in Brighton area.
posted on 20/8/20 at 12:17 PM |
you can only have a DVLA issued number, unless the kit manufacturer pays DVLA to be able to assign their own. Most dont!
Could try looking for a local DVSA run MOT station? They may be more willing as its run by the same bunch of clowns.
A friend of mine signed off my paper work as he owns his own garage and he inspected it all etc, however he is no way near Brighton!
posted on 20/8/20 at 01:04 PM |
Gents, thanks for your replies. I've been asking about this situation elsewhere online and quite a few people are saying it's not really
necessary, as it's all checked during the IVA test anyway. I'm told that the DVLA aren't the most "joined up"
organisation. I must admit, my initial reaction to the letter was to think "Can't the IVA examiner just check it during the test?" -
That would make more sense... The statutory plate and stamp are complete, so I think I'll just go to the test and take the seemingly small
risk that they say something about this confirmation signature!
posted on 20/8/20 at 01:17 PM |
they do check it on the IVA test anyway for their paperwork, ask them to do it then, its only needed stamped for registration purposes from memory