Big T
posted on 12/3/22 at 05:15 PM |
Need to collect bodywork… Will it fit!?
This is a strange one but I am after some input from those of you who have a bit more experience. Despite building a roadster I don’t think I have
ever seen a “seven style” car, let alone got hands on with the proportions of one.
I have managed to buy a set of equinox bodywork for my Roadster, everything apart from the side panels, so we’re looking at the nose cone, scuttle,
bonnet, arches and rear tub.
Ironically I am about 20 minutes from equinox in Faversham and the parts I have bought are over in Wales!
How big is the rear tub? This is the part I am most concerned about to be honest. I am hoping that I can pick them up in my Countryman and avoid
hiring out a van because I’m sure 500 miles in a day will incur an additional charge of some sort. I understand there are dimensions in the book but
it’s quite hard to get a grasp of it it will all fit.
So there we go, will a equinox roadster body (excluding the side panels) fit in the back of a Mini Countryman, Place your bets!!
posted on 12/3/22 at 05:47 PM |
I think if I were trying that, I would take a roof rack.
posted on 12/3/22 at 06:15 PM |
I reckon it'll be OK - I fitted all of that except bonnet in a smaller car with no problem (back seats down of course).
[Edited on 12/3/22 by PorkChop]
Big T
posted on 12/3/22 at 09:16 PM |
Thanks very much for the replies, hugely appreciated.
The roof rack will be coming along with a collection of timbers, straps, self tappers and some zip ties just in case it doesn’t all fit. Hopefully I
will follow suit with pork chop and get it all in the car!
posted on 13/3/22 at 08:20 AM |
You can find all measurements of every element of the Equinox Body Kit for Haynes Roadster on my Google Drive at this link:
Hope that will help
Big T
posted on 13/3/22 at 11:25 AM |
quote: Originally posted by voucht
You can find all measurements of every element of the Equinox Body Kit for Haynes Roadster on my Google Drive at this link:
Hope that will help
My goodness! That is incredibly helpful and must’ve taken a while to compile.
Thank you so much! I will get the tape out and have a measure up.
Thank you!!
posted on 17/3/22 at 08:03 AM |
I hired a long wheelbase transit to pick up my body panels from Equinox. It was overkill, but the untrimmed side panels were very long.
Edit, just re-read and see you've not got the side panels... I would have thought you'll be able to make it fit one way or another.
Personally I would not want to strap anything down on a roof rack...
[Edited on 17/3/22 by jps]
[Edited on 17/3/22 by jps]
Big T
posted on 16/4/22 at 05:41 PM |