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Author: Subject: Sadly won a bet, kinda

posted on 22/6/22 at 07:34 AM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by David Jenkins
Originally posted by nick205
David - my SWMBO is American by birth and nationality with planty of family there. When we've had the chance to visit them we (as Brits) marvel at the low price of fuel. When we tell them how much fuel costs in the UK they really struggle to believe us!

I saw a news item recently where someone from Libya (or similar North African country) was complaining that the cost of their petrol had gone up to around 25 pence per litre! It's another world...

Another world indeed!

No doubt that fuel price is somewhere in line with incomes in the country, but what about oil price and government taxes?

Can you imagine if UK petrol suddenly dropped to £0.25/litre.....!

1. The pumps would run dry instantly
2. People would drive everywhere (even to next door)

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