posted on 16/9/24 at 06:44 AM |
New member with a Luego Velocity
Hi everyone
First of all,heard so many good things about this site,tried to join about a year ago,sent the text but no reply. Saw somewhere online that the guy
that started the site wasn't really in to these cars anymore so new member requests wasn't dealt with very often. Looked at the site last
night,for the first time in weeks,and saw that a lot of new members had joined in the last few days. Tried logging in with the login details i'd
used a year ago,no luck. Tried starting from scratch again including sending the text again and straight away it worked.
Whether it's the original owner or someone new looking after the site again,thank you.
That said,i don't own a Locost. I have a Luego,from what i can see this is a site that accepts pretty much all kit cars but if i'm in breach
of anything i'd obviously leave again.
posted on 16/9/24 at 07:53 AM |
Welcome, you don't need a Locost to be a member and I think you will find other Luego owners on this site.
posted on 16/9/24 at 09:29 AM |
Welcome in! You're late to the party but it's still just about running lol!
posted on 16/9/24 at 09:41 AM |
Welcome aboard.
Excellent site for knowledge on all sorts of kits cars.
Luego builders, drivers, owners very much welcome.
posted on 16/9/24 at 11:56 AM |
There is a Luego section 
posted on 17/9/24 at 08:21 AM |
Thank you for all the replies.
Yes i know i'm a bit late to the party and that a lot of kit car owners use Facebook but it still seems like there's a lot of good info on
this site.
Again,happy to finally have a profile on here and hope to see a lot of you out and about.