Gaz 1977
posted on 29/1/07 at 07:10 PM |
Locost exterior design
As you might or might not know I am designing an enclosed body for a locost chassis and building a one quarter scale model of the final design. if
anyone has any comments i would be grateful for the feedback as it is still early days in the project.
[Edited on 29/1/07 by Gaz 1977]
Gaz 1977
posted on 29/1/07 at 07:13 PM |
locost university project
one day I will get the hang of getting pics up on this site
  Rescued attachment side rendering.jpg
Gaz 1977
posted on 29/1/07 at 07:15 PM |
locost uni project
this is how the model is comming on. by the way its about a metre long
  Rescued attachment DSC00513.JPG
posted on 29/1/07 at 07:22 PM |
The model looks awesome!
if your after selling it when your finished just let me know, cos I'll buy it from you
(got a bit of a thing for collecting unique models)
keep up the good work
D Beddows
posted on 29/1/07 at 07:23 PM |
Definitely one of the better looking styling exercises I've seen - sadly it has the same basic flaw as about 90% of them in that it
wouldn't exactly be low cost to actualy produce
posted on 29/1/07 at 07:33 PM |
realy nice looking car there, let me know what it turns out like, i would be interested to know
And you run and you run to catch up with the sun but its sinking, Racing around to come up behind you again, the sun is the same in a relative way but
your older, shorter of breath and one day closer to death
Confused but excited.
posted on 29/1/07 at 07:38 PM |
If that was mine, never mind a jet wash, I'd lick it clean!
Tell them about the bent treacle edges!
Gaz 1977
posted on 29/1/07 at 07:50 PM |
uni design project
Thanks for the comments chaps, please feel free to slag it off, if there are any bits of it you don't approve off for christs sake tell me
because i still have time to change it.
If i end up with a design that i am happy with at some point i would love to make it full size. I think it could be made from blue foam and
fibreglassed over the top for not too much cash.

Bob C
posted on 29/1/07 at 07:53 PM |
The side view looks mint - what about front & rear views? Surely the lid should come off.........cheers
D Beddows
posted on 29/1/07 at 08:14 PM |
If I was being realy picky (and I mean REALY picky ) the rear wheelarch doesn't quite look right - not sure if its too tight round the wheel
or if its just that lip round the edge that makes it look slightly too small in relation to the rest of the body........ like I say I am being realy
picky here cos it actualy looks great
Any pictures of other angles?
[Edited on 29/1/07 by D Beddows]
Gaz 1977
posted on 29/1/07 at 08:15 PM |
uni project
I am not too sure about the front. ive got a load of sketchwork, I just need to make my mind up, all sergestions welcome. I will stick some of the
sketches on tomorow. ( the pub beckons)
I want the hard top to be removable, I might photoshop on a soft top and see what it looks like. Saying that if i was to build it full size i would
not have a clue how to do a soft top.
posted on 29/1/07 at 09:16 PM |
Looks great, but the problem with a top on a locost chassis is getting in and out of it. The door that's on the sketch if in proportion would
be about 2 foot high.
Especially if I'm wearing an evening dress!!! LOL
posted on 29/1/07 at 09:18 PM |
Actually just thinking about it folks with full rollcages can get in and out alright, so it might not be that big a problem. Bit of a squeeze
that's all.
Confused but excited.
posted on 29/1/07 at 10:30 PM |
You could always fit 'gullwing' doors.
Tell them about the bent treacle edges!
posted on 29/1/07 at 10:50 PM |
Hmmm..proportions look "right" for a Fury chassis....
[Edited on 29/1/07 by stevebubs]
posted on 29/1/07 at 11:13 PM |
Typical of designers. Always designing stuff that us 17 stoners can't get into.
How about an 'inge ?
Love it to bits really.
Paul G
  Rescued attachment Gazzez-design-wiv-inge.jpg
posted on 30/1/07 at 02:07 AM |
Or smart roadster targa roof on removable slide. smart51 might be able to take some pics if you ask nicely.
This is personal advise or personal opinion.
Constructive comments gratefully recieved, picking is left for noses.
Gaz 1977
posted on 30/1/07 at 09:10 AM |
uni locost project
Thanks again for the comments chaps.
I will have a go at sorting the roof problem today, how about a four bar hinge that lifts the whole roof up and back over your head so it would be a
bit easier to get in and out?
I will also mod the rear arches, I think D Beddows has a good point, so thanks for that.
Anyway I need to get into the uni workshops and work on the Clay Buck this morning.
I will stick some new pics on here tonight.
thanks again.
David Jenkins
posted on 30/1/07 at 09:31 AM |
Very smart.
A Targa roof sounds good... I think that access will be an issue, but not impossible to sort. You will probably have to make allowances for heat
around the exhaust outlets - too many enclosed silencers have set fire to the bodywork (e.g. a Dodge Viper on Top Gear).
How about a 3/4 shot then, Gaz?
[Edited on 30/1/07 by David Jenkins]
Gaz 1977
posted on 30/1/07 at 10:20 PM |
uni project
I didn't get as much time as i thought to do design work today as the tv went bang and i was through Top Gear. A new one has now been found.
Anyway I will rework the rear arches and the roof tomorow.
here is a rough thumbnail sketch of a possible front.
  Rescued attachment ft 34 locost stetch.jpg
Gaz 1977
posted on 30/1/07 at 10:22 PM |
uni project
made the Clay Buck this morning, soon be ready to sculpt the body
  Rescued attachment clay buck.jpg
posted on 30/1/07 at 11:49 PM |
So THAT'S how it's done!
I wondered how you sculpt a body and be certain that it would fit over everything.
When the clay is hard can the foam be removed and the body then sat on the chassis?
Paul G
posted on 31/1/07 at 09:48 AM |
I like the car design though I agree about the door; it would be very difficult to get in and out without crawling (not cool).
I am also doodling designs for a bodyshell and have opted for a sliding forward canopy rather like the movie batmobile. It was to be moved by engine
vacuum stored in a cylinder. I think there is a big market for a well designed low-cost coupe shell that could be easily removed to allow folk to use
their cars more in our fab climate.
Gaz 1977
posted on 31/1/07 at 12:25 PM |
I would like to see some of your designs. It is good to see different ideas around a similar theme
Gaz 1977
posted on 31/1/07 at 05:59 PM |
uni project
so what do you all think of the revised rear end. all comments welcome.
  Rescued attachment side mark 3.jpg