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Author: Subject: [b]We are being manipulated and brainwashed[/b]
John Bonnett

posted on 8/10/07 at 06:24 PM Reply With Quote
[b]We are being manipulated and brainwashed[/b]

There is an orchestrated force out there brainwashing the public to tow the line and I find this quite worrying and totally appalling. For example,some years ago, I cannot remember when exactly, I heard or read that we as a motoring public would be weaned off sportscars and encouraged to buy 4wd vehicles. What rubbish, I thought at the time, who in their right mind would trade their Aston for a Jeep but it really has happened. Speed has become anti social and the perpetrators of it are regarded on the same level as petty criminals by the general public. Overtaking is a lost art and everybody is now prepared to be part of a snake winding its way through Southeast England causing frustration and annoyance to all. No money has been allocated to driver training and everybody for the sake of road safety is reduced to the lowest common denominator. Every other vehicle you see on the road is a Chelsea Tractor and most, I would venture to say never go near off road. I was interested to read the thread started by David Jenkins where somebody mentions lowered Range Rovers running on low profile tyres. These people who drive them must have a real personality crisis. What they really want is a 911 but cannot get the family in. Well the've(whoever they are),have shot themselves in the foot alright now that fuel efficiency is the buzzword and everyone is talking green and NCAP 5 Stars. Where does that put the average 4x4. And what are Porsche thinking about with the Cayenne. What on earth is that all about?

What a breath of fresh air is Top Gear. Those lads are examples to us all. They really enjoy themselves in proper sports cars without pretence at political correctness. Life is very short and I believe we should be out there enjoying it. We only get one shot at it so let's make every minute count.

I fully expect to be flamed for this but that is what I really think. I'm now bracing myself for the flak!!!


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posted on 8/10/07 at 06:25 PM Reply With Quote
John Bonnett for Prime Minister

[Edited on 8/10/2007 by NeilP]

If you pay peanuts...
Mentale, yar? Yar, mentale!
Drive it like you stole it!

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John Bonnett

posted on 8/10/07 at 06:26 PM Reply With Quote
I thank you

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posted on 8/10/07 at 06:31 PM Reply With Quote
John Bonnett for Prime Minister


who cares who wins
pass the pork pies

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Mark Allanson

posted on 8/10/07 at 06:32 PM Reply With Quote
In full agreement, its one of those things that we can all see, but no one does anything about

If you can keep you head, whilst all others around you are losing theirs, you are not fully aware of the situation

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posted on 8/10/07 at 06:42 PM Reply With Quote

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Paul TigerB6

posted on 8/10/07 at 06:44 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by John Bonnett
Speed has become anti social and the perpetrators of it are regarded on the same level as petty criminals by the general public.


Shame the police and courts dont regard it at the same level. Police are far too busy handing out £60 speed tax notifications to catch any "petty" criminals. Get caught doing a real crime and all you seem to get is a "dont be a naughty boy" and 20 minutes community service.

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posted on 8/10/07 at 06:54 PM Reply With Quote
Concur (mostly)

Those "lads" on top gear have it easy though. They don't have to fork out a stack of cash to a) buy, b) insure, c) tax, d) service and e) biggest of all, suffer depreciation. And of course, they get paid a wad of my cash for doing it. Would I like to do it. No, can't stand the thought of public speaking.

Oh and I'm not selling my 4.6l V8 MG ZT because I agree with the green thing (that's just a con!!). I'm selling as I'm pissed off with subsidising Gordon Brown and his squandering.

I am looking to buy an 5* ncap car though



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posted on 8/10/07 at 06:58 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by John Bonnett
There is an orchestrated force out there brainwashing the public to tow the line and I find this quite worrying and totally appalling. For example,some years ago, I cannot remember when exactly, I heard or read that we as a motoring public would be weaned off sportscars and encouraged to buy 4wd vehicles. What rubbish, I thought at the time, who in their right mind would trade their Aston for a Jeep but it really has happened. Speed has become anti social and the perpetrators of it are regarded on the same level as petty criminals by the general public. Overtaking is a lost art and everybody is now prepared to be part of a snake winding its way through Southeast England causing frustration and annoyance to all. No money has been allocated to driver training and everybody for the sake of road safety is reduced to the lowest common denominator. Every other vehicle you see on the road is a Chelsea Tractor and most, I would venture to say never go near off road. I was interested to read the thread started by David Jenkins where somebody mentions lowered Range Rovers running on low profile tyres. These people who drive them must have a real personality crisis. What they really want is a 911 but cannot get the family in. Well the've(whoever they are),have shot themselves in the foot alright now that fuel efficiency is the buzzword and everyone is talking green and NCAP 5 Stars. Where does that put the average 4x4. And what are Porsche thinking about with the Cayenne. What on earth is that all about?

What a breath of fresh air is Top Gear. Those lads are examples to us all. They really enjoy themselves in proper sports cars without pretence at political correctness. Life is very short and I believe we should be out there enjoying it. We only get one shot at it so let's make every minute count.

I fully expect to be flamed for this but that is what I really think. I'm now bracing myself for the flak!!!


John you have my vote as well.

Oh PS arnt we all sopposed to be dead to bird flu Pandemic ?



Taller than your average Guy !
Management is like a tree of monkeys. - Those at the top look down and see a tree full of smiling faces. BUT Those at the bottom look up and see a tree full of a*seholes .............

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posted on 8/10/07 at 07:35 PM Reply With Quote
I have a chelsea tractor as a company car for one reason - have you ever tried to find enthusiasm to choose a car that has to do more than 30mpg (thus preferably diesel) and within a budget? The only rear wheel drive car that fell into the budget was a BMW 118... (yawn)

But, it does get "used" (i.e. spends as much time on B-roads as possible), rarely joins the snakes of traffic that do unfortunately escape from the south east (I lose count each day at the amount of people who seem to test that their main beam works as I overtake them! ), though it does rarely go off road....

But, in the garage is the Striker, a '66 Mini, four motorbikes (including two GP two-strokes - one runs on AVGAS!) and a Mazda Bongo camper! Stuff the greens and the conformists!

[Edited on 8/10/07 by Coose]

Spin 'er off Well...

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posted on 8/10/07 at 07:38 PM Reply With Quote
Pandemic flu isn't the government!! It's the bloody daily mail, express etc and other BS merchants who know panic sells papers... Same as Bird Flu, same as SARS...

The only shame is the government doesn't have the cahunas to say "stop being stupid". Instead they give in to the bored middle class wibbling and produce (at great costs) glossy pamphlets about what to do in the case of an outbreak of SARS whilst giving in to even more public wibbling pressure and stock-piling drugs that don't work for something that's never going to happen...

Meanwhile, people can't get access to drugs that are proven to work and where people certainly are going to die sooner if they don't get them.... Oh well.... As long as it keeps them in power

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posted on 8/10/07 at 07:42 PM Reply With Quote
you'll have my vote too.

It is all about money!

So you can affort a bigger car, so you can pay more. etc etc

Please feel free to correct my bad English, i'm still learning. Your Dutch is awfull! :-)

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posted on 8/10/07 at 07:42 PM Reply With Quote
I do agree wit you John, but I dont think it's a brain-washing exercise. G.B. and his cronies are merely re-establishing and reinforcing the social economic groups. Those with the big lowered 4x4's with blackout windows etc (lets call them dealers) with plenty of money and little regard for the environment; will love it... kind of like rubbing our collective faces in the dirt with the back of their expensive well heeled leathers.

Lets face it the worst offenders are our beloved (not by me) Premiership footballers, but then brain-washing is maybe not the phrase, more of brain-airing! Brains are never a footballers strongest assets...

As you said - Roll on T.G. - we can all dream!


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posted on 8/10/07 at 07:56 PM Reply With Quote
The main problem as I see it, is this: There's 3/5 of naff all that we can actually do about it. There isn't an opposition party any more, just slight variations on how you want to be taxed! We need a realistic 3rd party to vote for, and I wouldn't really care what they said either! As long as it makes someone, somewhere sit up and look about to see the general public are getting truly hacked off.

“Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

My new blog:

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posted on 8/10/07 at 08:47 PM Reply With Quote
I had a tremendous 'discussion' with a lady at work who is uber-green. She was appalled to find that I had built a sports car and even more so when she found out it was a big and old engine, "...what do you mean it doesn't have a cat?!?..."

What really narked her was my argument that it was actually a model exercise of recycling. All the old fluids from the car were recycled appropriately, the parts from the donor went on Ebay to ensure that other cars were kept on the road (seeing as it is far better to reuse than recycle - i.e prevent another new car being built wasting vast quantities of energy in the process) and the shell went for recycling as well.

She hasn't spoken to me since so a result all round

If you pay peanuts...
Mentale, yar? Yar, mentale!
Drive it like you stole it!

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posted on 8/10/07 at 09:12 PM Reply With Quote
the best one ive heard was an interview at an airport on the news with a bloke who said
"i dont mind paying the extra tax on my flight because its helping the environment"


i dislike the whole idea of global warming as the only proposals that the good ol Gov. have put forward boil down to more tax.

now fags have fallen out of favour the government needs a new cash cow.

when the government replaces all the fosil fuel burning power plant with nuclear plants i will start going green.

ok i make biodiesel for the cars but the only reason is that it is cheap (well not as cheap as it should be with 30p Tax on it)


ok ive gone off on another incoherent rant, i really should stop doing this...

And you run and you run to catch up with the sun but its sinking, Racing around to come up behind you again, the sun is the same in a relative way but your older, shorter of breath and one day closer to death

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posted on 8/10/07 at 09:21 PM Reply With Quote
The way I see it is we can never be green because there are simply too many people on the planet.
The worlds population has quadrupled in 100 years. Whats the point in a little less emissions if the population rises and takes away all the gains you have made.

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posted on 8/10/07 at 09:35 PM Reply With Quote
The public are being brainwashed and manipulated. This is all about social control where you have no option but to conform. The goverment is in a bind, they have squandered north sea oil and now we have to import oil from countries that are not stable, like Russia, Nigeria and the middle east. We cannot rely on Europe for energy so they need to reduce our usage. So make the car evil, reduce ownership to something just above a crime and enjoying one even worse.
The genral public belive global warming, speed kills, because they are told it enough by "experts". A bit like the kings new clothes no one wants to say it's wrong as the consequences of dissent can stop academic careers in their tracks.
I for one will not stop driving for work and for pleasure, I will enjoy the act of overtaking and put up with the ill informed nutsack the greens spout. Iteresting that a certain Hybrid car manufacturer has been found guilty of advertising using untruths, these cars are now used by our goverment and yet normal cars have as good a carbon foot print if not better.
Unless you want to have no chance of driving for pleasure I suggest you all discuss what the car gives the country, jobs wealth and yes enjoyment otherwise the inteligentia who think they know best will slowly take that away from you all.

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posted on 8/10/07 at 10:36 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by DIY Si
The main problem as I see it, is this: There's 3/5 of naff all that we can actually do about it.

Anyone seen the film V for Vendette. Most approopriate for the thread me thinks



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posted on 9/10/07 at 06:06 AM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by John Bonnett
Overtaking is a lost art and everybody is now prepared to be part of a snake winding its way through Southeast England causing frustration and annoyance to all.

While if you don't like driving in the South East of England, for which I completelty agree as thats were I work move North. I live at Newark. Less than a mile from I live are some of the best roads around to let of steam. All unlisted roads, no coppers, no other cars most of the time, just miles of road to play on. I have founfd a route on Autoroute were in 100+ miles I will cover less than 10 miles on an A road or B road

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posted on 9/10/07 at 08:11 AM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by novacaine
ok i make biodiesel for the cars but the only reason is that it is cheap (well not as cheap as it should be with 30p Tax on it)

Whatch you talking about Willis?

Biodiesel can now be made totally tax free as long as you don't make more in a year than a set limit (which is more than most people use in a couple of years let alone one year)...

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posted on 9/10/07 at 09:42 AM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by John Bonnett
There is an orchestrated force out there brainwashing the public to tow the line and I find this quite worrying and totally appalling.

For example,some years ago, I cannot remember when exactly, I heard or read that we as a motoring public would be weaned off sportscars
and encouraged to buy 4wd vehicles. What rubbish, I thought at the time, who in their right mind would
trade their Aston for a Jeep but it really has happened.
Well, that is the first I have heard of it. The first luxury 4x4 was the Range Rover that came on the market in 1970, prior to that the vehciles for going off road were utlitiatrian such as the Jeep and Series Land Rovers. The Japanese
copied with the toyota. I am sure there were others but nothing like the Range Rover. Over time, other manufacturers
saw the niche and developed products to compete hence we have Lexuses, Cayennes, BMW X5, X-trail, Land Cruiser, Tourag etc.

Simple rules of physics are that matter requires energy to deform. Translated into car terms, a bigger and heavier
vehicle will provide better protection. You cannot argue with that (actaully you can, example being series land rover on a very rigid chassis but modern vechicles are desing wiuth crumple zones, 4x4 have bigger ones). If drivers want to buy a vehicle whcih offers better protection to them and their family, then what is wrong with that? It is their choice.
The 4x4/offroaders/Chelsea tractors or whatever you want to call them do just that; I am sure you could find exception to the rules but I would rather be in a Cayeenne that in a cinqiciento punto should I ever be involved in a collision. It is for these reasons that cars have become larger and heavier;
people now are bigger, both in height and in girth, than they were 20 years ago, cars have more saftey features etc.

Speed has become anti social and the perpetrators of it are regarded on the same level as petty criminals by the general public.
Overtaking is a lost art and everybody is now prepared to be part of a snake winding its way through Southeast
England causing frustration and annoyance to all.

[color=Blue]So in the olden days, there were road signs encouraging you to drive faster and police would offer prizes for drivers who exceed the speed limit? Well I must be going senile as I don't recall anything like that. There were fewer cars on the roads whcih meant that driving
standards didn't need to be so strict as you are less likely to have a collision and cars were slower too. People were poorer
so da yuf/chavs could not afford to drive souped up novas, another contributor to accidents. It is well known that the majority of road accidents can be attributed to excessive speed.

As for overtaking, have been to the South East? It is one huge car park. How can you overtake when there is no room or it is not safe? Too many cars on the roads. Due to added safety feature, seat belts, ABS, airbags etc., people drive bumper to bumper so you need to be extra careful when overtaking.

No money has been allocated to driver training and everybody for the sake of road safety is reduced
to the lowest common denominator. Every other vehicle you see on the road is a Chelsea Tractor and most,
I would venture to say never go near off road.

I didn't realise it was compulsory to drive off road. So if you drive a sports car, you have to go
to a racing track? I would venture to say the majority never get near a racing track.

I was interested to read the thread started by David Jenkins where somebody mentions lowered Range Rovers
running on low profile tyres. These people who drive them must have a real personality crisis.
What they really want is a 911 but cannot get the family in. Well the've(whoever they are),
have shot themselves in the foot alright now that fuel efficiency is the buzzword and everyone is talking green and NCAP 5 Stars.
Where does that put the average 4x4. And what are Porsche thinking about with the Cayenne.
What on earth is that all about?

Again it is freedom of choice. So you think the government should ban the sales of 4x4? The CO2 emissions for offroadders is less for some sports cars and luxury saloons, likewise the amount of road they take up is smaller than quite a few family saloons or people carriers. The drivers already pay extra road tax and petrol tax for the privilige of driving those cars. Who are you to deny them the freedom to spend their money as they want?


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Paul TigerB6

posted on 9/10/07 at 09:59 AM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by 02GF74
I am sure you could find exception to the rules but I would rather be in a Cayeenne that in a cinqiciento punto should I ever be involved in a collision. It is for these reasons that cars have become larger and heavier;

And i just hope i am in a Sherman tank when i hit your totally unnescessary Chelsea tractor as that offers even more protection - could use the whole 16ft of your car as a crumple zone - but thats ok because it would be to protect my family!!

Simple fact is more mass = more potential energy = larger dissiaption of energy in a crash

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posted on 9/10/07 at 10:09 AM Reply With Quote
The whole point re Cayennes etc is that its people putting their safety above other people. If a Porsche Cayenne (or other 4*4) crashes into you, you're much more likely to end up with significant injuries.

The Sherman tank analogy is a good one. Yes, the people inside the tank are okay but it's a bit antisocial for everyone else. Unless they also start driving Sherman tanks, in which case the advantage is lost....

Clearly a Sherman crashing into a metro is no contest. But would a Sherman-Sherman crash be better, the same, or worse as a metro-metro crash???

Personally, I think they're big, fat and uneccesary and should be banned.... unless they're actually used off-road!!!

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I love speed :-P

posted on 9/10/07 at 10:20 AM Reply With Quote
The problem is, some people need an off road vehicle for example towing trailers and going off road so how do you differentiate between people who need them and people who don't? How would you ban them? Already I can't drive anything bigger than 3,500 kgs and I can't tow my trailer without taking multiple tests. So what are you going to do? Ban all cars with 4 wheel drive? Which means bye bye to some sports cars? Ban cars over a curtain size? So does that mean a Land Rover 90 is ok but a 110 isn't? Or just ban off road cars out of cities? But then we can only afford one car, which has to be an off roader so does that mean we are banned from city centres? Or would you ban them on the weight? So a 2,000 kgs off roader is bad but a 2,000 kgs MPV is ok?

Phil M

EDIT : Would you ban on MPG? Say anything less than 30 mpg should be banned? We get about 40 in our off roader, how many do you get in your 7?

[Edited on 9/10/2007 by I love speed :-P]

Don't Steal
The Government doesn’t like the competition

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