posted on 19/9/12 at 07:12 PM |
Pre IVA pics (pic heavy)
Well I've got my IVA coming up next friday at Bristol (avonmouth). Its for my Indy R with 2008 R1 engine.
had the emissions set up by MK, and tested at an MOT station, so hopefully the emissions should pass ok.
i think i need to find a different exhaust clamp, as i think the current one will fail
i need to finish trimming the side panels
Anyway here are some pics, Let me know of any obvious fails

steve m
posted on 19/9/12 at 07:26 PM |
I am NOT IVA etc aware, but surely the rear lights should be vertical?
not pointing at the angle they are
posted on 19/9/12 at 07:57 PM |
Battery positive needs some conduit.
top transit ball joints and lock nuts need covering.
Rear fog light bolt and clamp look like they need covering.
I think the rear lights should be fine but why so far up? Looks a bit odd.
I would chop the headlight bolt down then put the cover back on to cover up the nut.
posted on 19/9/12 at 08:10 PM |
As above, cover top ball joint locknut. I used back to back universal ball joint rubbers, 4 in total (If you need piccies let me know).
Also, the fuel filler hose looks very similar to the stuff I had for my first IVA at Avonmouth (it was one of the fail points). Not sure where you
live, but I got some from Merlin Motorsport at Castle Combe. It has the word 'Fuel' on it and a number, and they gave me a printout from
the manufacturers' site to show the spec for the hose.
Good luck for the test, Avonmouth was not too bad, a couple of 'picky' things, but all in all pretty fair I feel.
Edit: Forgot to say, you would probably be better off with a Mikalor type clamp for the exhaust.
Keep us informed
[Edited on 19/9/12 by Daddylonglegs]
It looks like the Midget is winning at the moment......
posted on 19/9/12 at 08:11 PM |
Mikalor clamp will do for the exhaust.
posted on 19/9/12 at 08:12 PM |
It looks like the Midget is winning at the moment......
posted on 19/9/12 at 08:13 PM |
I think the top mounts for the seat belts/harnesses will need some sort of cover
posted on 19/9/12 at 08:22 PM |
All the above
Rear light internal reflectors therfore rear light units should be vertical
Where are your rear red static reflectors
i.e. there should beca reflector to reflect headlights from another car if you are parked at night
I eat to survive
I drink to forget
I breath to pi55 my ex wife off (and now my ex partner)
posted on 19/9/12 at 08:23 PM |
ooh editing posts to get in first, sneaky!
Yes you will need covers on upper harness mounts and are your wing mirror bases radiused? they look a bit sharp.
posted on 19/9/12 at 08:24 PM |
As said above, especially cover the terminals on the battery.
Think someone listed a fail yesterday for an insecure fuel filter. Some rubber around it and an ally strip bracket should do it.
Don't think its a IVA problem but that tank breather is only a one way valve and can cause the tank to expand/inflate. A 2way tank breather
works better (but costs more) from MerlinMotorsport
"A witty saying proves nothing" Voltaire
posted on 19/9/12 at 08:38 PM |
might be worth fitting the donor steering wheel for the test.
IVA says:
Steering wheel construction
It is vital that the wheel is constructed so as to minimise the risk of facial injuries or concussion. The rim of the wheel should be padded or at
least made from a material which when deformed does not splinter or fragment. The centre boss should be padded or recessed below the level of the rim.
So you would be a slave to how the examiner interprets this.
posted on 19/9/12 at 09:05 PM |
Thanks all. I fitted the rear lights at an angle, as most most cars coming up behind will be a lot higher up, and couldn't see anything in
manual saying they have to be vertical like the fog. But i did overdo it a bit.
There are some small red reflectors just under the lights, should i have some bigger ones?
posted on 20/9/12 at 07:51 AM |
Battery +ve terminal needs covering.
Fit the Sierra or doner steering wheel.
Why do they call Port Harcourt "The Garden City"?...... Becauase they can't spell Stramash.
posted on 20/9/12 at 07:56 AM |
just out of interest, what did you use/make to go around your acewell dash?? I have the same dash although mine has warning lights too, and I need
some way to make it iva proof for the time being....
posted on 20/9/12 at 08:41 AM |
Andy, it was a piece of foam that I cut a hole in the centre, then smoothed the edges with a dremmel. The same as I did with the starter switch.
posted on 20/9/12 at 09:16 AM |
The only rear light that has to be vertical is the fog light ( because of the narrow nature of it's beam). The rest just have to meet the angles
of visability, apparent surface area and position limits. The fog lamp bracket does look debatable.
How hard/stiff if the sponge aroung the dash? If it can be depressed to reveal the edje it might fail.
Are the harness top mounts highter then the bottom edge of the holes in the seats? When the belt is held horizontal does it clear the hole? If not it
makes the seat a structural part. Spacers on the bolts will pass if you need them.
"A witty saying proves nothing" Voltaire
posted on 20/9/12 at 09:19 AM |
Sorry to hijack but where are your headlights from?
posted on 20/9/12 at 09:35 AM |
the sponge is pretty hard, you would have to push quite hard to reveal the dash edges.
I will try some edge trim on the fog bracket.
And the seat belts do clear the hole, so not structural.
and the headlights were from SVC - http://www.s-v-c.co.uk/
[Edited on 20/9/12 by -matt]
posted on 20/9/12 at 09:41 AM |
quote: Originally posted by -matt
and the headlights were from SVC - http://www.s-v-c.co.uk/
[Edited on 20/9/12 by -matt]
Perfect thanks!
Dick Axtell
posted on 20/9/12 at 10:19 AM |
quote: Originally posted by -matt
i think i need to find a different exhaust clamp, as i think the current one will fail
Check out these guys : - http://www.zeroclips.com/content/Home.html
Also, your in-line fuel filter needs to be either clipped securely, or bracket mounted (according to my IVA tester).
Work-in-Progress: Changed to Zetec + T9. Still trying!!
posted on 20/9/12 at 11:02 AM |
quote: Originally posted by -matt
and the headlights were from SVC - http://www.s-v-c.co.uk/
[Edited on 20/9/12 by -matt]
Have you checked they dip the right way? Pretty sure SVC ones will be right but people have failed on left-hand drive h/lights before; I saw some
just last week on a members car.
It's probably worth looking through a few "IVA fail" threads for common stuff.
"A witty saying proves nothing" Voltaire
posted on 20/9/12 at 12:50 PM |
Thanks lads, all taken onboard.
Looks like I'm going to have a busy week
Im assuming the headlights dip the right way, they have all the E marks Etc.
Also will the station usually let you align the headlight there?
posted on 20/9/12 at 01:12 PM |
quote: Originally posted by -matt
Thanks lads, all taken onboard.
Looks like I'm going to have a busy week
Im assuming the headlights dip the right way, they have all the E marks Etc.
Also will the station usually let you align the headlight there?
E-marked, as in european approval doen't imply they're the right way for UK roads Could just as easily be for French or Spanish roads.
Some times they have an L or R on them. Check the pattern against a wall. Beam cut of should be flat to the right of center and angled up to the left.
The flat bit should be angled down from the lamp 1 to 1 1/2 degrees, so a bit of measuring and some maths will get them close. They'll probably
let you adjust as long as there's not a lot else wrong.
"A witty saying proves nothing" Voltaire
posted on 26/9/12 at 11:58 AM |
Well I think I've got most of this done. Although I don't think it's going to pass as I've noticed a couple of things that
might not pass, but will be happy with a fail sheet of things to fix as long as there isn't anything too big.
Also for self centreing I've set loads of toe out, the mushroom pivot to the front of the car, and tyre pressures up to 40 psi. I'm hoping
this should be ok, but after some research there is so much contradicting info on this, I'm not sure if this was right or not.
But I don't have time to do anything more now, so it's going to have to go as it is now.
I just hope the tester is in a good mood on friday 
posted on 28/9/12 at 09:13 AM |
Well not looking good. Failed straight away for manufacturers plate info not in right order.
Em missions were good at fast idle, but failed at normal idle. I tryed to adjust p.c (with the buttons)and he let me have one more try but must of
gone the wrong way as emmissions were worse!
Plus a couple of little bits.
Oh well. Will post up a full fail sheet later (if there is enough room)