Paddle clutches 26/3/15 at 01:03 PM
Which Land Rover Engine 2.4 or 2.2 26/2/15 at 11:38 PM
Jag XJR6 " noise" ?? 21/2/15 at 11:17 PM
Its only been 8 years !! 14/2/15 at 05:22 PM
Getrag 265 gearbox 13/2/14 at 11:04 PM
Supercharged XJR6 in E36 BMW 4/12/13 at 02:07 PM
Whats the most comfortable car you've owned? 18/10/12 at 07:49 PM
XJR6 now in E36 BMW 20/9/12 at 09:02 PM
OT - Any engineering jobs going ? 2/2/12 at 10:07 PM
Any knowledge of patents and selling ideas? 2/2/12 at 04:02 PM
MK1 Escort Crimes 23/12/11 at 06:22 PM
cat d 22/12/11 at 09:59 PM
Need a DXF file making from these pics 12/11/11 at 09:01 PM
FS : EDIS - ZX6R engine 18/10/11 at 10:08 PM
simple CAD software?? waterjet cutting CNC ? 6/10/11 at 12:43 PM
3x Non-integral Master Cylinders 6/9/11 at 12:37 PM
BMW throttle body X2? 7/8/11 at 09:27 PM
BMW M50/M52 engine? Or any other suggestions? 5/8/11 at 08:04 AM
OT - Outboard Problem 1/8/11 at 09:15 PM
FS Clio 182 1/8/11 at 07:13 PM
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